您的性别为(what is your gender?)
您的年龄为?(what is your age?)
您来自哪个国家?(which country are you from?)
您现在的汉语水平级别为?(what's your HSK level present?)
在学习汉语时,您是否曾感到焦虑?(Have you ever feel anxiety when you learn Chinese?)
是 yes
有时候 sometimes
从不 never
从总体上看你怎样描述你的性格?(How do you describe your personality in general?)
外向型Extrovert personality
内向性格 Introvert personality
处于内外向中间 (between extrovert and introvert)
你认为总体上你是一个自信、态度积极的人吗?(Do you consider yourself as confident and positive attitude in general?)
在生活中你喜欢用中文与人聊天吗?(Do you like talking with people in chinese ?)
喜欢 yes
不喜欢 no
有的时候喜欢 Sometimes
在生活中你是一个容易感到紧张和焦虑的人吗?(Do you easy to get nervous and anxiety in your life?)
在学习汉语时你有明确的目标吗?(Do you have a clear goal in learning chinese ?)
在学习汉语时你有长期可行的学习计划吗?(Do you have a long-term and practical plan for learning chinese?)
在学习汉语时,什么情况下你会感到焦虑?(In what situation will you feel anxiety during learning chinese?)
考试前 before exams
很努力依然未达到预期 still cant reach the expectation after hard working
看不到自己的进步 feel dosent make any progress
其他情况,请具体描述。(other situation,please describe clearly)
从未感到焦虑 never feel anxiety
你认为在学习汉语时,焦虑对你是好的影响还是坏的影响?(does anxiety has good or bad effect to you during studying chinese ?)
好的 good
坏的 bad
适度焦虑有好处 it can be good if the anxiety is moderate
无法专心学习 cannot focus on studying
拒绝与别人沟通 refuse to communicate with others
放弃学习 give up studying
其他,请具体描述 (others,please describe clearly)
明确自己的学习目标(to clear the study goal)
调整或重新制定计划 (adjust or make a new study plan)
和朋友或老师沟通,诉说问题,听取建议(talk with friends or teachers,tell the problem and listen to the advice)
其他。请详细描述(others,please describe clearly)
在学习汉语时,你有什么好的办法可以减轻或解决焦虑的问题?(do you have any good methods to reduce or solve the problem of anxiety during studying chinese )