消费者的网购行为问卷调查 /Consumer 's Online Shopping Behaviour Questionnaire

您的性别是什么/What's your gender?
您的年龄阶段是什么/ What's your age category?
18岁以下 / under 18yrs
18-25岁 / 18-25yrs
26-35岁 / 26-35yrs
36-45岁 / 36 - 45yrs
46-55岁 / 46 - 55yrs
您的学历是什么/What's your education qualification?
高中或中专以下 / Seniorhigh school and below
大专或同等学历 / Diplomaand equivalent
本科 / Bachelor’sDegree
硕士 / MatersDegree
博士或博士后 / DoctorateDegree and above
你居住在哪座城市里/ Which city in China do you reside?
请选择您常用的购物网站 /Which of the following shopping sites do you often visit?
亚马逊 / Amazon
阿里巴巴 / Alibaba
淘宝网 / Taobao
京东商城 / Jingdong Mall
当当网 / Dangdang
苏宁易购 / Suning Online Market
拍拍网 / Pat network
聚美优品 / Poly beauty products
易迅 / Yi Xun
其他 /Others
我从来不网购 / I never do online shopping
您对您选择的网购网站感到满意时,您会。。/ When you are satisfied about your chosen online shopping site, you will...?
非常满意/Strongly Agree 同意/Agree 不确定/Neutral 不同意/ Disagree 选项1 非常不同意/Strongly Disagree
您并会此站推荐给别人 / Ill also recommend the shopping site to other?
即使有其他购物网站提供更便宜的产品,我宁愿从此站购买/ Eventhough there are cheaper providers, Ill continue buying from the one that I often visit?
(多选)你使用互联网的主要目的是什么/  What is your key purpose of using internet?
Shopping/ 购物
工作/ Work
学习/ Study
您每月平均线下零售购物花费多少钱/  How much do you spend on average for offline retail shopping per month?
300RMB元以下/ less than 300RMB
300 - 900元/ 300 - 900RMB
900 -1200元 / 900 - 1200RMB
1200元以上 / Above1200 RMB
您每个月在网购平均花费多少钱 /  How much do you spend on online shopping per month on average?
我从来不网购/ I never do online shopping
300RMB元以下/ less than 300RMB
300 - 900元/ 300 - 900RMB
900 -1200元 / 900 - 1200RMB
1200元以上 / Above 1200 RMB
您选择网购的原因是什么/  Why do you go online shopping?
品种全 / It provide wider selection
价格低 / Its cheaper
节省时间 / It saves time
送货上门 / Doorway delivery
客户评价有助于改善购物决策 / Customers’ review helps in better decision making
其他 / Others
您对网购的主要担忧是什么 /  What are your main concern about online shopping?
产品质量 / Productquality
在线欺诈 / Online fraud
支付安全性安全 / Payment Safety
真实性 / Authenticity
Others / 其他
以下哪些因素您对网购的态度影响最大/ Which of the following factors have the biggest influence on your attitude towards online purchasing?
影响特别大/Very high influence 影响大/High influence 影响一般/ordinary influence 选项1 选项1 无影响/No influence
网站质量 / Website quality
品牌意识 / BrandAwareness
以往的经验 / Previous experience
价格感知 / PricePerception
购买意向 / Purchaseintention
您认为以下哪项是确定您对网购满意度的最关键因素/ Which of the following do you consider to be the most crucial factor to determine your online shopping satisfaction?
特别大/Significantly high 大/High Neutral/中立 小/Low 特别小/Significantly low
对产品范围的满意度/ Satisfactiontowards the product range
对定价适当性的满意度/ Satisfactiontowards the appropriateness of pricing
对网络信息质量的满意度 / Satisfactiontowards the web information quality
对可靠性的满意度/ Satisfactiontowards the reliability
对保证性的满意度 / Satisfactiontowards the assurance
对产品质量的满意度 / Satisfaction towards the product quality
对及时交货的满意度 / Satisfactiontowards the timely delivery

13题 | 被引用4次
