Team members admit their mistakes. 团队成员承认自己的错误。
Team members are passionate and unguarded in their discussion of issues. 团队成员在讨论问题时充满热情、开诚布公。
Team members are quick to point out the contributions and achievements of others. 团队成员可之间能很快指出他人的贡献和成就。
Team meetings are interesting and compelling (not boring).团队会议是有趣的、有吸引力的(不枯燥)。
During team meetings, the most important, and difficult, issues are discussed.在团队会议中,对最重要、困难的问题进行讨论。
Team members acknowledge their weaknesses to one another.团队成员之间彼此承认自己的弱点。
Team members voice their opinions even at the risk of causing disagreement.团队成员敢于表达他们的意见,甚至存在出现分歧的风险。
Team members point out one another's unproductive behaviours.团队成员会指出对方徒劳的行为。
The team has a reputation for high performance.团队以高绩效著称。
Team members ask for help without hesitation.团队成员会毫不犹豫的寻求帮助。
Team members leave meetings confident that everyone is committed to the decisions that were agreed upon . 团队成员离开会议时有把握,相信每个人都会忠于大家共同的决定。
During discussions, team members challenge one another about how they arrived at their conclusions and opinions. 在讨论过程中,团队成员彼此挑战如何达到他们的结论和意见。
Team members ask one another for input regarding their areas of responsibility.团队成员相互询问关于他们的责任范围的投入。
When the team fails to achieve collective goals, each member takes personal responsibility to improve the team's performance.当团队未能达到集体目标时,每个成员都要承担个人责任来提高团队的绩效。
Team members willingly make sacrifices in their areas for the good of the team.为了团队的利益,团队成员愿意在他们的范围内作出牺牲。
Team members are quick to confront peers about problems in their respective areas of responsibility.团队成员在各自的责任领域,会很快的面对关于同行们的问题。
Team members acknowledge and tap into one another's skills and expertise. 团队成员承认并充分利用他人的技能和专业知识。
Team members solicit one another's opinions during meetings.团队成员在会议中相互征求意见。
Team members end discussions with clear and specific resolutions and calls to action.在得到明确和有效的结论之后,团队成员结束讨论并预备实施。 有效的结论之后,团队成员结束讨论并预备实施.
Team members question one another about their current approaches and methods. 团队成员就他们现有的方法和理论相互提出问题。
The team ensures that poor performers feel pressure and expectation to improve.这个团队确保糟糕的执行者会感到压力并期待改善.
Team members willingly apologize to one another.团队成员间愿意彼此道歉。
Team members communicate unpopular opinions to the group.团队成员会与团队交流不受欢迎的意见。
The team is clear about its direction and priorities.这个团队清楚其方向和优先事项。
Team members are slow to seek credit for their own contributions.团队成员对于他们做出的贡献,无法及时收获嘉奖。
Team members are slow to seek credit for their own contributions. 所有团队成员都遵守同样高的标准。
When conflict occurs, the team conducts and deals with the issue before moving to another subject. 当矛盾发生时,团队会在下一个题目之前,面对并解决这个问题。
The team is aligned around common objectives.团队向共同目标看齐。
The team consistently achieves its objectives.团队持续的实现目标。
The team is decisive, even when perfect information is not available.即使不能获得完美信息时,团队决定仍非常果断。
Team members value collective success more than individual achievement.团队看重集体的成功胜过个人的成就。
Team members are unguarded and genuine with one another. 团队成员彼此间是不设防的、真实的。
Team members can comfortably discuss their personal lives with one another.团队成员间可以很舒服的讨论彼此的个人生活。
The team sticks to decisions.团队遵守所做决策。
Team members consistenly follow through on promises and commitments.团队成员持续的坚持完成保证和承诺。
Team members offer unprovoked, constructive feedback to one another.团队成员间彼此提出无恶意的、建设性的反馈。
Team members place little importance on titles and status. (A high score on this statement indicates that titles and status are NOT important to team members.)团队成员对于职务和身份并不介意(高分表示头衔和地位对于这个团队是不重要的)
Team members support group decisions even if they initially disagreed.团队成员会支持组织的决定,即使最初他们是不同意的。
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