Under 18 (18岁以下)
over 46(46岁以上)
Career (职业)
Middle school student(中学生)
College student (大学生)
White-collar worker(白领)
Institutional staff(事业单位)
Monthly income(月收入)
Don’t have (无)
Under 3000(3000以下)
over 10000(1000以上)
Have you spent on McDonald's?(您在麦当劳消费过吗?)
Yes(如果选择YES请完成Part 2 的问题)
No(如果选择NO请完成Part 3的问题)
McDonald's attracts you the most?(麦当劳最吸引您的地方?)
Quality of food(食物的质量)
Good service(服务好)
Which aspect do you think McDonald's needs to improve?(您觉得麦当劳在什么地方需要改进?)
Reduce prices(降低价格)
Improveservice levels(提高服务水平)
Changeproduct tastes(改变产品口味)
Changerestaurant design(改变餐厅设计)
Do you think it's troublesome to buy a meal line up?(您是否觉得买餐排队很麻烦?)
What do you think of McDonald's employees in service?(您认为麦当劳员工在服务方面有哪些不足?)
Cleaning isnot timely(清洁不及时)
The impact ofcustomer meals when cleaning(清洁时影响顾客用餐)
Insufficientdescription of the product when ordering(点餐时介绍不足)
Staff’sservice attitude is not good(服务人员态度不好)
Why you choose McDonald’s?(选择在麦当劳就餐的原因?)
High brand recognition, trust this brand(品牌知名度高,信任此品牌)
There is atoy gift(有玩具赠送)
The diningenvironment is clean and hygienic(就餐环境干净卫生)
Will McDonald's ad messages affect your immediate consumption?(请问麦当劳的广告讯息会触动您的即时消费吗?)
Will, everynew product will try(会,每出新产品便会去尝试)
Look at thesituation, according to their preferences(看情况,根据自己的喜好选择)
No, notinterested in new products(不会,对新产品不感兴趣)
What kind of channels do you know about McDonald's promotion?(请问您对于麦当劳的推广活动,是通过哪些渠道得知的?)
Road signs advertising(路牌广告)
Community promotion(社区宣传)
Store promotion(店内宣传)
What other of the following cases will affect your spending on McDonald's?(以下事例,还有哪些将会影响您增加对麦当劳的消费?)
Richer, faster and more convenient foodavailable(更丰富,快捷,方便的食物提供)
McDonalds to carry out price promotions(麦当劳开展降价促销活动)
McDonalds to carry out take-away deliveryservice(麦当劳开展外卖送餐业务)
None of the above(以上都没有)
Will you introduce McDonald’s to your friends? (你会将麦当劳推荐给你的朋友吗?)
Do you think the brand of the fast food restaurant has an impact on your choice? (你觉得快餐店的品牌对您的选择有影响吗?)
No effect(没有影响))
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)
Does the variety and quality of food in fast food have an impact on your choice?(快餐店食品的种类和质量对您的选择有影响吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strong effect(有很大的影响)
What type of advertisements do you think fast food restaurants will attract you?(您认为快餐店做什么类型的广告会吸引您?)
Publicservice advertising type(公益广告型)
Introduceproducts type(介绍产品型)
Corporateimage type(企业形象型)
Other (其他)
Does the promotion of fast food have an impact on your consumption?(快餐店的促销活动对您的消费有影响吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)
Do you think star endorsements will affect your choice?(您认为快餐店请明星代言影响您对快餐店的选择吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)
Do you think the location of the fast food shop's shop has an impact on your consumption?(您认为快餐店的地理位置对您是否去消费有影响吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)
Do you think that if a fast food shop offers a takeaway service will it increase your spending?(您认为快餐店提供外卖业务会增加您的消费吗?)
Do you think the speed of the meal will have an impact on your choice?(您认为快餐店的配餐速度会影响您的选择吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strong effect(有很大的影响)
Do you think the internal environment of the fast food restaurant has an impact on your choice of fast food restaurant?(您觉得快餐店的就餐环境会影响您的选择吗?)
No effect (没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)
Do you think the quality of service of the fast food shop staff has an impact on your choice?(您觉得快餐店的员工的服务态度会影响您的选择吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strong effect(有很大的影响)
Do you think the introduction of new technology in fast food restaurants will affect your choice? (你觉得快餐店新科技的引入会影响你的选择吗?)
No effect(没有影响)
Have an effect(有影响)
Have a strongeffect(有很大的影响)