VAMA 2017年电脑及终端设备维护服务满意度调查VAMA 2017 IT Computers, Printers, Projects Maintenance Outsource Service Satisfication Survey

欢迎参加本次满意度调查 Thank you for participating this survey
Your Dept.
CXO Office
内控监察部 InternalControl
CTO 产品质量部 Product Quality
CTO 信息部 IT
CTO 质量保证部Quality Assurance
CMO销售客户技术支持部Sales Technical Sales
CMO品牌企业传播部Branding Communication
CMO生产计划 供应链部 Planning Supply Chain
COO 连退车间 CAL
COO 镀锌车间 CGL
COO物流公辅车间 LogisticsUtilities
COO工程技术支持室 EngineeringTechnology Support
COO 维护车间 Maintenance
CAO人力资源部 HR
CAO 采购部Procurement
CFO核算税务资金Accounting Tax Treasury
CFO财务计划分析Financial Planning Analysis
您使用的办公电脑经常出现的问题有哪些?What kind of problems your computers had in 2017?
硬件问题 hardware problems
软件问题 software problems
配置问题 setup problems
系统问题 system problems
其他问题,请在Q10列出 Other, Please mention it on Q10
您对公司目前使用的电脑品牌是否满意?Are you satisfied with current computer brand?
非常满意very satisfied很少有故障(1个月以上)rarely have trouble (over one month)
一般so-so 偶尔有故障(半个月)occasionally have trouble (half month)
不满意not satisfied经常有故障(一周两次)frequently have trouble (twice a week)
您对IT外包办公电脑及终端设备维护供应商维护人员处理问题熟练度是否满意 Are you satisfied with proficiency of IT vendor workers for maintenance of computers, printers, projectors?
非常满意,在1小时内解决 very satisfied,solve within one hour
满意,在2小时内解决 satisfied, solve within 2 hours
一般,在半天内解决 so-so,solve within half a day
不满意,在1天内解决 not satisfied, solve within one day
在帮助您解决电脑及其他故障的过程中,维护人员事后经常告知您故障的原因,及其如何避免的常识,您是否满意?Do IT vendor workers inform you the causes of the trouble of your computer and how to avoid it after repair?
满意,经常告知故障原因及避免常识 satisfied, often inform me of rootcause and how to avoid;
一般,偶尔告知故障原因及避免常识 so-so, occassionally tell me the rootcause and how to avoid;
不满意,从未告知故障原因及避免常识 not satisfied, never tell me the rootcause and how to avoid;
Are you satisfied with computer, printers, projects maintenance outsourcing supplier's service attitude?
非常满意 very satisfied
不满意 not satisfied
您对IT外包办公电脑及终端设备维护供应商服务的响应速度是否满意?Are you satisfied with computer, printers, projects maintenance outsourcing supplier's response time?
非常满意very satisfied
一般 satisfied
不满意not satisfied
您对IT外包办公电脑及终端设备维护供应商服务的效果是否满意?Are you satisfied with computer, printers, projects maintenance outsourcing supplier's service quality?
非常满意very satisfied
不满意not satisfied
 如上题您感觉总体印象一般或者不满意,请您写出具体意见,以便我们改善:Do you have any other better suggestions on computer, printers, projects maintenance?

9题 | 被引用0次
