
  你好!为了了解准备参加新HSK4级留学生对形旁与汉字字义之间的关系的认知情况,我邀请你参加这次调查。请根据你的真实情况,如实回答以下问题。解答的时候禁止查字典或其他书籍。你的回答对我的研究非常重要,谢谢你的大力协助! 现在我们就马上开始吧!你好!为了了解准备参加新HSK4级留学生对形旁与汉字字义之间的关系的认知情况,我邀请你参加这次调查。请根据你的真实情况,如实回答以下问题。解答的时候禁止查字典或其他书籍。你的回答对我的研究非常重要,谢谢你的大力协助! 现在我们就马上开始吧!
Hello everyone!  In order to understand the cognition of the relationship between the HSK4 Chinese character meaning and its semantic component, I invite you to take part in this survey. Please answer the following questions according to your real situation. When answering, it is forbidden to look up dictionaries or other books. Your answer is very important for my research. Thank you for your help. Now let's start right away!
How long have you been studying Chinese: ..... months
 你认为HSK词汇难吗?Is Chinese character in HSK difficult?
难 difficult
一般 not really
不难 not difficult
词汇太多了,记不住 too much vocabulary, hard to remember
有很多同音字 too much homophone
有很多近义词 too many similar words
有很多形似字 too many resembling character
有很多不认识的汉字 cant recognise the words
  你了解汉字的形旁(汉字结构中可以表示义类的部分)吗?  Do you understand Chinese character's semantic component? (part of Chinese character that indicate its meaning)   
了解 understand
一般了解 so so
不了解 dont understand
你会用汉字的形旁推断汉字的意思吗?Can you use this semantic component to determine Chinese character's meaning?
会 can
有时会 sometimes
不会 cant
  你觉得用汉字的形旁来猜汉字的意思可以帮助你学习汉字吗?Do you think using semantic component to determine Chinese character's meaning can help you learn Chinese?
帮助很大 Very helpful
有一点点帮助 a bit helpful
没有帮助 not helpful
  你怎么记忆汉字?How do you remember Chinese character?
多写汉字 Writing lots of Chinese character
反复朗读 Doing lots of Read aloud
把它翻译成母语来记忆 Translate it into mother language
利用形旁记忆字形和字义 Using semantic component to remember its shape and meaning
记住它的拼音 Remember its pinyin
  请判断下列汉字的形旁(可以表示义类的部分):Determine the semantic component (the part that indicates its meaning) !
  比如 for example: 吃:  A.口√      B.乞
请看下列形声字,选择与词义有关的意义范畴: Look at these phonogram, choose which one is related to the word's meaning:    比如: “吃” 跟...有关。  A.口√      B.数量      C.食物
for example: “吃”is related to... A.口√ mouth      B.数量 amount     C.食物 foods
人 person
火 fire
行走 walk
大小 size
对比 comparison
手 hand
青色 green color
水 water
寒冷 cold
说话 talking
动物 animal
草木 grass and trees
口 mouth
田 field
衣服 clothes
木制品 wood
禾苗 grain seedling
刀 knife
风云 wind and clouds
水 water
走路 walking
丝织品 silk
钱 money
语言 language
北京 Beijing
心理活动 psychological activites
口 mouth
房子 room
植物 plant
竹子 bamboo
明亮 bright
田 field
身体 body
土地 land
草木 grass and trees
站立 standing
工人 worker
语言 language
心理活动 psychological activities
金属 metal
数量 amount
祭祀 sacrifice
看见 seeing
草木 grass and trees
金钱 money
地方 place
金钱 money
耳朵 ear

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