1. Your
age 您的年龄段? [单选题]
A.Under 25 低于25岁
B.25 – 35 25-35 岁
C.36 - 45 36-45 岁
D.Above 45 45岁以上
2. What is your monthly family income in RMB? 您家庭的月收入是? [单选题]
A. Below 20,000 低于 20,000元
B. 20,000 - 40,000 20,000 - 40,000 元
C. 40,000 - 60,000 40,000 - 60,000 元
D. More than 60,000 高于60,000元
3. How old is your child? 您的小孩现在的年龄是? [单选题]
A. Under 3 不到三岁
B. 3 –7 三岁至七岁
C. 7 – 10七岁至十岁
D. 11-15 十一岁至十五岁
E. 16-18 十六岁到十八岁
F. Older than 18 十八岁以上
G. No child currently 目前没有孩子
4. Have your children ever joined any overseas
study course? 您的孩子是否参加过游学项目?
Yes 参加过
No 没参加过
5. What would be your first choice for where you
would like your children to go? 您的首选游学目的地? [单选题]
A. UnitedKingdom 英国
B. U.S.A.美国
C. Japan or Korea 日韩
D. Europe (France andItaly ) 欧洲 (法国和意大利)
E. Others 其他
6. How important do you
think overseas study course is for your children?
您觉得游学对小孩来说有多重要? [单选题]
A. Veryimportant 非常重要
B. Important重要
C. Neutral一般
D. Unimportant不重要
E. Veryunimportant 非常不重要
7. What do you think is
the main purpose of overseas study course?
您希望小孩参加海外游学的主要原因是? [单选题]
A. To have fun and to make friends and socialise 交朋友和游玩
B. To prepare for school (abroad) 为出国上学做准备
C. To foster interests in English learning 培养对英语的兴趣
D. Experiencedifferent culture expand the knowledge 体验文化,开拓眼界
E. Other 其他
8. How long do you think the oversea study course
should be?
A. One week 一周
B. Two weeks 两周
C. Three weeks 三周
D. Four weeks 四周
E. More than four weeks 比四周更长
9. What content do you prefer for overseas study course?
您希望小孩参加海外游学的内容包括? [单选题]
A. Training in classroom 教室上课
B. Visit local museum 参观当地博物馆
C. Sight seeing 观光
D. All of above 以上全部
E. Other 其他
10. If you are
interested in summer school courses, which type you may be interested in?(Choose
Top 2 )
A. School of Arts 艺术类课程
B. Leadership or Business领导力或商科课程
C. STEM (Science, Technology , Engineering and Mathematics) 工程技术及数学类课程
D. Biology Chemistry 生物化学类课程
E. Others 其它课程
11. What are your major
concerns when selecting an overseas study course? (Choose the top 2) 对选择英语游学学校您最担心的因素有
A. Course Content课程内容
B. SchoolRanking Reputation 提供课程学校排名或口碑
C.Teacher quality 老师质量
D.A secure and convenient studying environment 是否有一个安全方便的学习环境
12. What is the
preferred size for overseas study course group?
A. 5 少于5人的VIP团
B. 5-10 5-10 人的精品团
C. 10-15 10-15 人团
D. 15-20 15-20 人团
13. How much are you
willing to spend on your children's overseas study course(in RMB)? 您愿意为小孩英语游学承担的费用是? [单选题]
A. 12,000 - 24,000/trip 12,000 - 24,000元/次
B.24,000 - 36,000/ trip 24,000 - 36,000元/次
C. 36,000 - 48,000/ trip 36,000 - 48,000 元/次
D. 48,000/ trip 48,000 元/次以上
14. Where did you know overseas study course program? 您是从什么渠道了解到该项目?[单选题]
A. School 学校
B. Website 网站
C. Friends 朋友
D. Magazine 杂志
E. Wechat 微信
15. What is your potential preferred items for oversea study? 您感兴趣的游学项目包括? 可以多选
A. Academics/LearningSkills/Tutoring参观学校,体验
B. Arts Crafts/Visual Arts/Film making艺术与手工,电影制作
C. Day Camps 野营
D. Equestrian 马术
E. Gymnastics/Dance 体操与舞蹈
F. Medical/Dental 体验医疗牙医
G. OutdoorEducation 户外活动教育
H. OvernightCamps 野外过夜训练
I. PerformingArts 表演艺术
J. Preschools 学龄前教育
K. Science/Nature科学与自然
L. Sports/Fitness/MartialArts 运动健身
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