您更倾向常温纯牛奶还是有机奶?Which do you prefer, UHT milk or organic milk?
常温纯牛奶 UHT Milk
常温有机奶 UHT Organic Milk
您多久喝一次常温牛奶或有机奶?How often do you drink UHT milk or organic milk?
每天喝 Everyday
一周多于三次 More then three times a week
一周少于三次Less then three times a week
从来不喝 Never
Which do you prefer, domestic organic milk or imported organic milk?
国产有机牛奶 Domestic organic milk
进口有机牛奶 Imported organic milk
您购买常温有机牛奶时比较注重哪些方面?Which aspect do you focus on when buying UHT organic milk?
品牌 Brand
口感 Taste
包装 Packaging
价格 Price
营养 Nutrition
产地 Origin
其他 Others
您看重有机牛奶的包装形式吗?Do you care about the organic milk packaging?
您更喜欢哪种包装形式的有机牛奶?What kind of packaging do you prefer?
盒装 Boxed
玻璃瓶装 Glass-bottled
袋装 Bagged
其他 Others
您觉得我们提供的这款德质牛奶口味如何?What do you think of the taste of this Vollmilch milk we offer?
非常好 Great
较好 Good
一般 Generall
较差 Not very well
非常差 Bad
您觉得德质牛奶的包装如何?What do you think of the packaging of Vollmilch?
非常好 Great
较好 Good
普通 Ordinary
没什么特别 Nothing special
您认为一款200ml的玻璃瓶装的有机奶售价为多少可以接受?How much do you accept the price of a 200ml organic milk in glass bottle?
10元以下 10RMB
10-15元 10RMB-15RMB
16-20元 16RMB-20RMB
20元以上 20RMB