Busking problem solving research!街头艺人调查问卷

感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题,现在我们就马上开始吧!Thank you for taking a few minutes to participate in this answer, now let's get started!
What's your gender? 您的性别是?
How old are you? 您的年龄是?
more than 60
How long have you been a busking? 您当街头艺人多久了?
What is your form of performance? 您的表演形式是?
sing 唱歌
play instrumen 乐器
other 其他
Do you like to perform alone or collectively? 您喜欢单独表演还是集体表演
Alone 单独表演
Collectively 集体表演
What equipment do you usually carry? 您一般携带的设备有哪些
Speaker 音响
Microphone 麦克风
DVD player DVD播放器
Microphone support 麦克风支架
chair 椅子
Other 其他
Do you think carrying the equipment is unconvinient? 您认为携带过多的设备会不方便吗?
Yes 是
No 否
Do you think a chair could be helpful when you perform in the street? 您认为在街头表演是否需要一把椅子?
Yes 是
No 否
If you have to use microphone and speaker, what types of microphones you prefer? 如果您需要用到麦克风和音响的话,你会用哪种麦克风?
Microphone with wire and support 有线带支架的麦克风
Microphone with wire 有线麦克风
Wireless Microphone 无线麦克风
Any problems or issues you ever met or you mignt met or any unconvinient things during the perform, we are happy to collect them and try to sove them.任何在街头表演您所面临的问题或者任何不方便的地方请尽情跟我们诉说,我们会针对问题进行筛选与解决。

10题 | 被引用0次
