感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题,本问卷是针对您对于您所居住的城市的感受, 每一个问题都没有标准答案,也没有正确与错误,请选择自己的第一感受就好。如若在大体过程中您觉得被冒犯或是感觉任何心理上的不舒服,您可以随时毫无顾忌的退出本问卷,并请接受我的真挚的歉意。那么现在请让我们开始吧!Thank you for taking a few minutes to participate in this questionnaire. This questionnaire is aimed at your senses of feelings about the city you live in.There is no standard answer to every question, no right or wrong, So please fill in the blanks with your first feeling. If you feel offended or feel any psychological discomfort during the process, you can withdraw from this questionnaire at any time without any hesitation, and please accept my sincere apology. So now let's get started !