您好! 我们是海南大学会展经济与管理(中国-爱尔兰合作项目)的大三学生。现在我们正在为策划2019年海南大学电影节而针对于海南大学学生做市场调查。如能策展成功,这场将于2018年12月30日开幕、2019年1月1日闭幕的节事活动在海南大学当属首例。
Hello! We are junior students in the Department of Event Management (China-Ireland Cooperation Project) of Hainan University. Now we are doing market research on the choices of Hainan university students in order to plan the 2019 Hainan University Film Festival. If all goes well, the festival will open on December 30, 2018, and end on January 1, 2019, which will be an initiative at Hainan University.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to participate in this questionnaire. Your suggestions have important significance for us to conduct this event!
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