关于举办2019年海南大学电影节的市场问卷调查A Market Questionnaire for the 2019 Hainan University Film Festival

您好! 我们是海南大学会展经济与管理(中国-爱尔兰合作项目)的大三学生。现在我们正在为策划2019年海南大学电影节而针对于海南大学学生做市场调查。如能策展成功,这场将于2018年12月30日开幕、2019年1月1日闭幕的节事活动在海南大学当属首例。


Hello! We are junior students in the Department of Event Management (China-Ireland Cooperation Project) of Hainan University. Now we are doing market research on the choices of Hainan university students in order to plan the 2019 Hainan University Film Festival. If all goes well, the festival will open on December 30, 2018, and end on January 1, 2019, which will be an initiative at Hainan University.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to participate in this questionnaire. Your suggestions have important significance for us to conduct this event!

您的年级?What grade are you in?
大一 Freshman
大二 Sophomore
大三 Junior
大四 Senior
研究生或博士生 Graduate or doctoral student
What kind of films are you interested in?
Please write down the name of the film in the box after the option.
喜剧电影 Comedy film
悬疑推理电影 Suspense/ reasoning film
爱情电影 love film
动漫电影 Animation film
电影口碑好就可以 Any films with good word of mouth
Would you prefer to see domestic or foreign films?
国内电影 Domestic films
国外电影 Foreign films
都喜欢 Both
What are your motives for going to the festival?
结交志趣相投的新朋友To make new friends with similar interests
寻觅茫茫人海中的另一半To search for a lover among the vast crowd
活动新奇去凑凑热闹To enjoy the bustle as a bystander
课业之余打发时间To kill time after classes and work
What elements would you like to see at the festival?
好吃的点心Fantastic food and beverage
好玩的游戏Delightful games
精美的礼品Fabulous gifts
电影周边销售Merchandising relevant to the films
Will you attend the festival which will be held from December 30, 2018 to January 2, 2019 (New Year's 3-day holiday) ?
如果有我喜欢的电影,我会去看Yes, if there is a film I like
无论有没有喜欢的电影,我都会去凑凑热闹Whether there is a film I like or not, I will join in the fun
喜欢看电影,但对电影节不感兴趣I like movies, but Im not interested in film festivals
我哪里有时间去什么电影节!Im too busy to go to such festival!
What will keep you from attending the film festival?
期末复习 The final review
没有兴趣 No interest
天气原因 Bad weather
假期出游 Go on a vacation
Do you have any questions or advice for us?

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