领队:招募队员,联络学校、制定活动流程预算、组织队员参加 Safe Kids 电话培训等(Team leader: call together colleagues to form a team, identify a school for education, budget control, etc.)
主讲老师:根据 Safe Kids 提供的课件、教辅工具,准备一堂 40 分钟的课,并担任主讲(Main speaker: prepare the lesson according to Safe Kids guide, participate the conference training)
助教:配合主讲老师参与教学活动,如分发问卷、辅佐行为体验活动、统计问卷等(Teaching assistant: assist the main speaker, organize behavior practice games, distribute quiz, etc.)
教具:配合教学,制作更多创意教具(Tool assistant: receive teaching box, assist main speaker serve children’s learning through the tools)
通讯:活动现场照片/视频记录、发微博、活动后小结等( Correspondent: capture wonderful moments via camera, shoot video, live broadcast via Weibo and Wechat, draft stories)