Study of Pharma Digital Priorities in China影响中国药企数字化营销选择的优先度因素研究

Dear Stakeholder,


Thank you for your willingness to participate in this survey. The objective of this study is to understand your perspective on channel effectiveness, content utilization, and analytics among other aspects. Your responses will help us understand the latest considerations in digital marketing in engaging physicians. We assure that your answers will be kept confidential and aggregated into the study findings.


1. Enter your contact information


Name 姓名    ____________
Title 职称    ____________
Company 公司    ____________
Department 部门    ____________
Email Address 邮箱    ____________

2. Please indicate the departments you partner with (Check as applicable)


Other (Please specify)

3. Indicate if the above department are specific to any of the therapy areas (Check as applicable)


Primary Care 普药业务
Oncology 肿瘤
Infectious Diseases 抗感染
Specialty Care 特药业务
Neurology 神经
Immunology 免疫
Other (please specify)其他(请例举)

4. What is the percentage of your company's marketing budget you generally spend across Digital channels for customer engagements? Please select the most appropriate options.


10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50+%

5. What is the percentage of your digital marketing budget you generally like to spend across the following prominent channels for engagement with your customers?


2% 2-5% 5-15% 15-30% 30-50% 50+%
LBLs/Print Material印刷资料
Speaker Meetings学术会议
e-Detail Aids 数字渠道广告位
Remote Engagements(Tele-rep MSL)电话销售或者医学顾问进行的远程拜访
WeChat 微信
Rep Triggered eMailers医药代表发起的邮件营销
Marketing eMailers市场推广邮件营销
Online Conferences/KOL Webcasts在线会议/KOL讲座
Product Website产品相关网站
3rd Party Platform(DXY,, PAGD)第三方平台,例如丁香园、好大夫、平安好医生等
(Online) Journals eBooks 在线学术期刊或电子书
Mobile Applications移动端应用
Text messages/SMS手机短信
Patient Education Websites/programs患者教育网站/项目
Patient Mobile Applications患者端移动 App
Others (Please specify) 其他(请例举)

6. How are various Digital engagements managed in your organization? Please select one or more suitable options.


Yes No
Digital programs are executed independently by Brand teams 数字化营销项目由产品组独立管理
Digital programs are executed in collaboration with a dedicated digital/MCM team数字化营销项目由专设的Digital团队或者MCM团队参与进行合作管理
Digital engagements are executed using an enterprise platform使用企业的数字化平台来实施一些数字化项目
Digital programs are executed in collaboration with preferred vendors only仅与优选供应商合作实施数字化项目
Others (Please specify) 其他(请列举)

7. Can you suggest which of the following technology platforms are currently in usage for your organizations?


Not Implemented还未实施 Accessing即将实施 Implementing实施中 Actively Using使用中 Advanced使用后期
CRM platform-VeevaCRM平台-Veeva
CRM platform-Cegedim - MICRM平台-Cegedim - MI
Content Management Systems-Tridion内容管理系统-Tridion
Content Management Systems-Drupal内容管理系统-Drupal
Content Management Systems-Box内容管理系统-Box
Content Management Systems-SiteCore内容管理系统-SiteCore
Content Management Systems-Veeva Vault内容管理系统-Veeva Vault
Marketing Automation Systems-Adobe Campaign营销自动化管理系统-Adobe Campaign
Marketing Automation Systems-Salesforce Marketing Cloud营销自动化管理系统-Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Marketing Automation Systems-Oracle EloQua营销自动化管理系统-Oracle EloQua
Business Intelligence Tools-Microsoft Power BI商业智能工具-Microsoft Power BI
Business Intelligence Tools-Tableau商业智能工具-Tableau
Business Intelligence Tools-Microsoft Power BI商业智能工具-MicroStrategy
Other please specify

8. What are the key capacities you consider are most important while selecting vendors for different types of digital projects? (multiple choice, select the proper items)


Medical Content医学内容 Creative Design设计创意 Solution Design解决方案设计 Technology Capability技术能力 Domain Experience相关领域经验 Cost Advantage成本优势 Project Communication项目沟通能力 Delivery on-time按时交付 Any other, please specify其他,请列举
Remote Engagements(Tele-rep MSL)电话销售或者医学顾问进行的远程拜访
WeChat 微信
e-Detail Aid DevelopmenteDA制作
Online Conferences/ KOL Webcasts在线会议/ KOL讲座
Product Website产品相关网站
Mobile Applications移动端应用
Speaker Programs/ Offline Meetings线下学术活动 / 会议

9. Can you suggest which stakeholder initiates the various kinds of digital projects in your organization (select all that is applicable)


Digital/MCM Team SalesSFE Team Marketing Team Procurement Team ITTeam
Centralized Digital Content Production集中化的数字内容生产
Data Analytics Automation Tools数据分析与自动化工具
Integrated Campaign Management Platforms集成的活动管理平台
Technology Platforms for customer engagement用于用户沟通的技术平台
Digital Asset Management数字化资产管理
Live Meeting Platforms直播会议平台
e-Commerce Collaborations电子商务合作
Web Content Management System网站内容管理系统

10. What percentage of preferred vendors recommended by procurement department are accepted by the marketing team?


20% 20-40% 40-60% 60-80% 80-100%

11. What are the main challenges in co-operation between the marketing & procurement teams for digital projects? Rate your attitude towards each challenge statement on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the strong disagreement and 5 being strong agreement.

在数字化营销项目中,在市场部与采购部之间的合作中,存在哪些主要挑战?请使用 1-5分制评估您对于以下挑战描述的认同程度,其中1分标示完全不认同存在该挑战,5分标示完全认同存在该挑战。

1 2 3 4 5
Procurement and Marketing has different understanding on project target有时采购和市场部双方对项目的目标理解有偏差
Sometimes because of limited budget, some digital project quality is affected有时因为预算有限的影响,一些数字营销项目的质量受到影响
Introduction of new vendors with innovative capacities希望不时引入创新能力的新供应商
Procurement could have deeper business knowledge of marketing team采购应该多了解市场部的业务知识
Does not involve Procurement at early stage of the Project 没有在项目早期引入采购
Other please specify

12. Can you suggest what is the role of the procurement team in the various kinds of digital projects in your organization?


Initiator发起者 Decision Maker决策者 Identifying vendor供应商收集 Price Negotiation价格谈判 Help to go through the process协助走流程
Centralized Digital Content Production集中化的数字内容生产
Data Analytics Automation Tools数据分析与自动化工具
Integrated Campaign Management Platforms集成的活动管理平台
Technology Platforms for customer engagement用于用户沟通的技术平台
Digital Asset Management数字化资产管理
Live Meeting Platforms直播会议平台
e-Commerce Collaborations电子商务合作
Web Content Management System网站内容管理系统

16题 | 被引用1次
