中文社交媒体(微博)里脏话的使用与性别关系调研Survey on Gender and Swearing Words in MicroBlog Weibo

Warning: This questionnaire contains disturbing information (swearings) and may invoke unpleasant feelings. Please feel free to drop in the middle or come back later to finish the questions. All data will be kept confidential and will be used only for this research.

Definition: This research of "Swearing" solely focuses on the cases that swearing words are used to refer to other people or groups. Any cases not targeting people or groups will not be included.

Please read the following entry and select on the ones that fit your situation
I understand that my participation in this study is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time, without giving a reason and without consequence
是的 Yes
不是 No
I understand that all data are anonymous and that there will not be any connection between the personal information provided and the data
是的 Yes
不是 No
I understand that there are no known risks or hazards associated with participating in this study
是的 Yes
不是 No
I confirm that I have read and understood the above information and that I agree to participate in this study
是的 Yes
不是 No
I confirm that I am over 16 years of age
是的 Yes
不是 No
To which gender do you identify yourself? 
男 Man
女 Woman
其他 Other
保密 Prefer not to tell
What’s kind of swearing did you find most disturbing? 
In what context would you encounter that swearing most frequently in Weibo? 
在微博的评论区 In the comment section of Weibo
在微博上的转发区 In the retweet section of Weibo
在微博的私信区 In the private message section of Weibo
其他 Other place on Weibo
Where else can you find this kind of swearing in Weibo? 
请选取其中一个记忆比较深刻的一句脏话写下来, 如果觉得不愿意复述,可以用描述性词汇代指,但请尽可能具体一些,比如针对的是当事人还是当事人的亲人,使用什么类型的动词/修饰词,语法上的主被动,有什么令人印象深刻的点等等。
Pick one of the examples and write down that down. If you feel uncomfortable repeating the words, you can choose to describe that phrase with as many details as possible, for example, does the swear target on solely the targeted person or the family, what verb/adjective/adverb is used, is it in passive or active tone, why is this phrase disturbing, so on so forth.  
Assuming A were the user of the swearing words and B were the targeted one, answer question 11 to 14
What gender identity did that user A mark oneself to be? 
男 Man
女 Woman
没有注明 Not given
不记得了 Don’t remember
What’s your impression on that speaker A about his or her gender?
男 Man
女 Woman
无法被归类至前两类Can’t be pin down to either category
What gender identity did that targeted person B mark oneself to be? 
男 Man
女 Woman
没有注明 Not given
不记得了 Don’t remember
What’s your impression on that targeted person B about his or her gender?
男 Man
女 Woman
无法被归类至前两类Can’t be pin down to either category
Have you been used swear words by other people on Weibo?
有过 Yes
没有 No
可能,不确定 Not sure
In what context would you encounter that swearing? 
在微博上的别人的评论区 In others comment section of Weibo
在微博上的别人的转发区 In others retweet section of Weibo
在微博上的别人的私信区 In others private message section of Weibo
在微博上的自己的评论区 In your comment section of Weibo
在微博上的自己的转发区 In your retweet section of Weibo
在微博上的自己的私信区 In your private message section of Weibo
其他 Other place on Weibo
Where else can you find this kind of swearing in Weibo? 
What kind of swear is that? If you feel uncomfortable repeating the words, you can choose to describe that phrase with as many details as possible, for example, does the swear target on solely the targeted person or the family, what verb/adjective/adverb is used, is it in passive or active tone, why is this phrase disturbing, so on so forth.  
What gender identity did that user mark oneself to be? 
男 Man
女 Woman
没有注明 Not given
不记得了 Don’t remember
What’s your impression on that speaker about his or her gender?
男 Man
女 Woman
无法被归类至前两类Can’t be pin down to either category
What gender identity did you mark yourself to be? 
男 Man
女 Woman
没有注明 Not given
不记得了 Don’t remember
Do you swear at certain people in Weibo? 
选项1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
What kind of swear words do you use?
Would you distinguish your swear words based on the gender of the person you want to attack? 
会 Yes
不会 No
看情况 Sometimes
Does the use of some swear words related to the gender identity of the user? Are there any examples?
Does the use of some swear words related to the gender identity of the targeted one? Are there any examples?
你关注说脏话人的性别吗?(0 - 从不,10 - 总是)
Would you check the people who swear at others online? (0 - Never, 10 - Always)
选项1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Would you think that you can more or less identify the gender of the user of the swear words based solely on the language? Based on what elements?
我确认:(a) 我的年龄在16岁以上,(b)我了解这份调研的目的,(c)所有的数据都是匿名的,我提供的任何私人信息和数据之间不存在任何联系,(d)参与本研究不存在任何已知的危害或风险。通过提交此调查问卷,我同意这些我自愿提供的答案可以被匿名用于研究目的。

I confirm that: (a) I am over 16, (b) I have understood the purpose of this study, (c) that all data are anonymous and that there will not be any connection between the personal information provided and the data, (d) there are no known risks or hazards associated participating in this study. By submitting this questionnaire I agree that my answers, which I have given voluntarily, can be used anonymously for research purposes.

是 Yes
不 No

31题 | 被引用2次
