请选取其中一个记忆比较深刻的一句脏话写下来, 如果觉得不愿意复述,可以用描述性词汇代指,但请尽可能具体一些,比如针对的是当事人还是当事人的亲人,使用什么类型的动词/修饰词,语法上的主被动,有什么令人印象深刻的点等等。
Pick one of the examples and write down that down. If you feel uncomfortable repeating the words, you can choose to describe that phrase with as many details as possible, for example, does the swear target on solely the targeted person or the family, what verb/adjective/adverb is used, is it in passive or active tone, why is this phrase disturbing, so on so forth.