個人資料 Personal Information
請選擇您的年齡分段 Which age group do you belong to?
17 or below
61 or above
請問您目前的工作狀況 What is your current employment status?
全職員工(每週40小時以上) Employed full time (40 or more hours per week)
兼職員工(每週40小時以下) Employed part time (up to 39 hours per week)
無業或退休 Unemployed or Retired
學生 Student
家庭主婦 Homemaker
您是否曾經玩過一款手機MOBA類遊戲 Have you ever played mobile MOBA games (multi-player online battle arena)?
手機遊戲基礎信息 Basic information about mobile games
請選擇您最喜歡的手機MOBA遊戲 (後面的問題請基於您此問題的回答選擇) Which is your favourite mobile MOBA games? (Answer the following question basing on the answer of this question)
傳說對決 Arena of Valor
虛榮 Vainglory
王者榮耀 Kings of Glory
無盡對決 Mobile Legends
決戰!平安京 onmoji arena
光影對決 Light Vs Shadow
請問您平均一周會花費多少時間在這個遊戲上 How long will you spend in this game weekly?
少於4小時 Less than 4 hours
4-14 hours
14- 28 hours
28-56 hours
超過56小時 more than 56 hours
手機遊戲基礎信息 Basic information about mobile games
您是否願意嘗試體驗一款手機MOBA遊戲 Do you willing to try a mobile MOBA game?
請問您不願意體驗手機MOBA遊戲的原因(僅供上一題選擇否的受試者作答) Why won't you try a mobile MOBA game? (only for those chosed 'no' in last question)
浪費時間 Waste of time
沒有興趣 No interest
親友方面 Families and Friends
遊戲可用性啟發式 Game usability heuristics
遊戲有很友好的教程 The game has a friendly tutorial
遊戲有簡明的界面和簡單的操作方式 The game has tidy UI (User Interface) and a easy control method
你可以隨時隨地遊玩 You could play at anywhere and anytime
遊戲運行流暢,很少報錯 The game runs smoothly and rarely reports an error
遊戲網絡穩定,延遲低 The game has a stable network and low delay
大體上,良好的遊戲體驗吸引你玩這款遊戲 In general, the well experience attracts me to play this game
遊戲中語音聊天系統對你有所幫助,也很樂意與人交流 The voice chat system in the game is helpful to you and will be happy to communicate with others.
遊戲中你更願意與人互動而不是一個人玩 In the game, you are more willing to interact with people than to play alone.
組隊游戲能令你得到更好的游戲體驗 Team games can give you a better game experience
分享你的精彩時刻能令你獲得更多的成就感,分享你的快樂 Sharing your wonderful moments will give you more sense of accomplishment and share your happiness
假如游戲取消社交功能,你也願意繼續玩下去? If the game cancels social features, are you willing to continue playing?
遊戲可以幫助你打發時間 The game can help you kill time
遊戲可以發揮你的想象力 The game can exert you imagination
遊戲可以讓你學習新事物 The game can improve your cognition
你會在遊戲中克服各種困難取得勝利之後有成就感 You will have a sense of accomplishment when you win a game after overcoming various difficulties
遊戲的人物設計吸引你 The character designs of the game attract you
精美的遊戲畫面讓你心情愉悅 The excellent game secnes make you happy
綜上所述,充滿美感的設計吸引你玩這款遊戲 In summary, the aesthetic design attracts you to play this game.
謝謝配合!問卷到此結束 Thank you! The questionnaire ends here.
我再次確認此次問卷調查是自願參加,所有回答將作為統計研究使用 I confirm that I complete the questionnaire volunteerly, all the answer will be used in the research