关于可口可乐公司调查问卷Coca-Cola Company Questionnaire

我方承诺对于调查问卷的具体内容有过严格的检查,调查问卷中避免涉及到敏感问题。如您认为有些问题不方便回答可以选择拒绝作答, 并且我们对于您的个人信息进行保密并且严禁对外透露。由于担心被调查者不懂纯英语,因此发布了一份中英文问卷。
Dear friends, how do you do
In order to promote the development of Coca-Cola company, as well as to have a more comprehensive understanding of the current market demand and desire, we sincerely invite you to participate in this survey, from which we look forward to seeing your most sincere expression and suggestions.
We promise that we have strictly checked the specific content of the questionnaire in which we avoid sensitive issues. You could skip some questions if you think yourself are not available to answer. In addition, we will keep your personal information confidential and strictly prohibit disclosure. Worrying that some respondents could not understand pure English, we have issued a questionnaire in both Chinese and English.
Finally, hope you can participate in this survey and write down your valuable opinions.
What do you think is the main reason for the decline of marketing profit in the beverage industry?
A.经济问题,经济发展过快,对于可乐的制造成本也增加了,所以所得利润就少了。Economic issues, the economy of society develops too fast to reduce the manufacturing cost of coke, causing less selling profit.
B.饮料所带来的健康隐患也不能忽略,饮料中含有过多的糖分远远高于人们日常的糖分摄取量会增加各种患病风险。The health risks from beverage cannot be ignored. Absorbing massive sugar from beverage, much more than human’s daily need, would increase the risk of various diseases.
C.同行业竞争日益激烈,有太多的饮料可供人们选择。The competition with rivals in the industry is increasingly fierce, there are many kinds of drinks for consumers to choose from.
D.其他, 请详细描述。谢谢Others,Please describe it in detail. Thank you
Do you think that changing packaging and product meaning will affect your choice of products, as well as integrating local features from different areas?
A.会 Yes请简要说明原因Please briefly explain why
B.不会 No请简要说明原因Please briefly explain why
Do you think Coca-Cola's development today is in full accordance with the expectations and predicted results of the company itself?
A.是 Yes
B.不是, 某些结果和预想之间存在差异No, some results of the company today differ from the expectations.
Do you think Coca-Cola's future development will always be mergers and acquisitions, global reinvestment and to support new technology research and development?
A.是 Yes
B.不是,只是阶段性的发展状态No, its just a phase of development.
What do you think is the main reason for Coca-Cola's increasing staff turnover?
A.工作压力较大High working pressure
B.饮料行业利润减少,公司面临裁员Profits of beverage industry are declining, and the company is facing layoffs
C.其他,请简要解释Others, please briefly explain
What do you think is the purpose of Coca-Cola to set up its own factories in different countries?
A.扩大市场份额To expand market share
B.减少不必要的时间和运输成本,同时扩大可口可乐的现有价值To reduce unnecessary time and transportation costs, meanwhile, expand the existing value of Coca-Cola
C.吸收当地人为可口可乐工作,创造工作机会提高当地人对可口可乐的认知和好感度To recruit local people to work for Coca-Cola, and to create job opportunities to improve local peoples cognition and favorable impression of Coca-Cola
What are your suggestions for the future development trend of Coca-cola company?
What do you know about the development status of Coca-Cola?

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