
你对整形行业了解吗?How much do you know about the plastic industry?
了解 Very well
一般了解 General understanding
不了解 Barely understand
你对自己的容貌满意吗? Are you satisfied with your appearance?
满意 Satisfactory
比较满意 Partly satisfactory
不满意 Dissatisfactory
非常不满意 Highly dissatisfactory
如果有意愿的话,你最想改善哪个部位?If you want, which part do you want to improve?
眼部 Eye
鼻子 Nose
嘴唇 Mouth
脸型 Face
皮肤 Skin
胸部 Chest
腰部 Waist
臀腿部 Buttock and leg
你认为整形美容手术的意义是什么?What do you think is the significance of plastic surgery?
追求美丽Pursure Beauty
提升自信Improve self-confidence
影响就业、职位及升迁Affect employment, position and promotion
影响个人生活(婚姻、社交等)Affact Personal Life (Marriage, Social, etc.)
未来1到2年,你是否愿意尝试为美化自己而接受美容整形手术?Are you willing to try plastic surgery to beautify yourself in the next 1 to 2 years?
愿意 Yes
不愿意 No
If you have cosmetic surgery, the two things you care about most are:
手术效果的持久性 The durability of the results
服务价格 Operation price
隐私保障 Privacy protection
手术成功率 Surgical success rate
风险保障 Risk guarantee
For plastic surgery, what factors can improve your trust in its service?
医院知名度 Hospital popularity
专家医生资质 Expert and doctor qualifications
大众口碑 The mass public praise
咨询人员的有效沟通Effective communication of consultants
If you have the desire to have plastic surgery,Where do you find the relevant information more convincing
朋友介绍 Introduction of a friend
医院宣传资料(传单、宣传手册)Hospital publicity (leaflets, brochures)
电视广告 Television advertising
报纸 The newspaper
网站 Web site
成功案例 Successful case
其他 Other
对于整容,你最大的担忧是什么?What is your biggest concern about plastic surgery
经济条件不允许 Economic conditions do not permit
怕有副作用后遗症 Fear of side effects
家人反对 Family against
受他人偏见 Prejudice
手术失败 Surgery failure
其他 Others
您的性别是?What's your gender?
男 Male
女 Female
你的年龄?What's your age?
18或18以下 18 or less
56及以上 56 and above
您的受教育程度? What's your level of education?
高中及以下 High school and below
大专 Technological academy
本科 Undergraduate degree
硕士或博士 Masters or doctorate degree
你是否接受过整形手术(如纹眉,牙齿矫正,割双眼皮,削骨)Have you ever accepted plastic surgery? Such as eyebrow tattooing, orthodontics, double eyelid cutting, and bone cutting.
否 No
是 Yes
你最希望整形行业哪方面服务有所提高? What kind of service in Cosmetology do you think need to be improved?
服务态度 Service attitude
技术水平 Technical level
医疗设备 Medical device
术后恢复服务 Postoperative recovery service
安全保障 security

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