Our values must be authentic and true-so there will be a “legacy” element-but they should set out how the organization wants to behave going forward rather than just reflect “how things have always been done”. They also need to be actionable and directional. 我们的价值观必须真实可信,因此会有一个“传承”元素,但它们更应该是说明企业希望如何向前发展,而不仅仅反映“事情原来一直是怎么做的”。我们的价值同时需要具有可实践和引领作用。
At the recent Senior leadership workshop, we discussed values quickly and identified some potential starting points, but these should not limit our thinking.
The values that were selected were 我们选择了以下价值关键词用以探讨,
We like to get it done我们乐于完成使命
Continuous improvement持续改进
Customer value first顾客价值第一
Genuine expertise真正的专业知识
Strive to be the best努力做到最好
Passion for sound对声音的热爱
Please answer the following questions with the above in mind, don’t think too much about precise wording-at the moment we really need your ideas, rather than word-smithed copy. Answers need to be completed by Monday 16th September, thank you!