你对气候变化的认知有多少?How Much Do You Know About Climate Change?

Thank you so much for spending your time on doing my research survey!! 
学校名称 School's Name
年级 Grade
小学(1-6年级) Primary School (Grade1-6)
初中(6-9年級)Middle School (Grade6-9)
高中(9-12年级)High School (Grade9-12)
你的学校有类似环境科学的课程吗?Does your school provide courses related to environmental science?
你有在学校上过这个课程吗?Have you ever take this course before?
上这个课程的时长?How long did you take this course?
1学期 1 Semester
1学年 1 School Year
2学年 2 School Years
2学年以上 More than 2 School Years
你在这个课程中学了哪些相关议题?What topics have you learn in the course?
环境污染 Environmental Pollutions
气候变化 Climate Change
缺乏粮食安全 Lack of Food Security
缺乏生物多样性 Lack of Biodiversity
你知道什么是全球暖化吗?Do you know what global warming is?
你觉得造成地球暖化的因素有哪些?What do you think are the factors contributing to global warming?
你在乎地球暖化这个问题吗?Do you care about global warming?
在乎 Care
还好,没什么感觉 Average, doesnt feel much about it
不在乎 Dont Bother
你是否觉得自己平常的行为间接造成了地球的暖化?比如?Do you have habits or actions that may as well contribute to global warming? For example?
你知道每年均有39亿吨的冰川正在融化吗?Do you know that there are about 390 billion tons of ice and snow melting from glaciers each year?
你知道以往英国暑假的平均温度都在20度左右,但今年却飙到了39度吗?Do you know that England has reached 39 degree this summer when it's usual summer temperature is only 20 degree?
你有参加过任何环境保护的活动/组织吗?具体做了什么?Have you ever participated in any organization or activity that were doing some kind of environmental act? What specifically are you doing ?
你平均每年买多少新衣服?How many clothes do you buy each year?
1-2件 1~2
3-5件 3~5
5-8件 5~8
8件 More than 8
你多久换一次电子产品?(手机,平板,电脑,耳机,充电宝等等都算)How often do you change electronic devices? (Phone, Tablet, Laptop, Ear/Headphone, Portable Charger etc.)
每年 Every year
2-3年 2~3yrs
4-5年 4~5yrs
5年以上 More than 5 yrs
你平均每天花多少时间洗澡?How long do you shower everyday?
你每年平均乘坐了几次飞机?(来回算2次)How often do you take airplanes each year? (Return is considered 2 times)
2次 2 Times
3-5次 3-5 Times
5次以上 More than 5 Times
你多久吃一次牛肉?How often do you consume beef?
每天 Everyday
2-3天 Every 2-3 Days
5天 Once in 5 Days
1个礼拜 Once a Week
2个礼拜 Once in 2 Weeks
一个月 Once a month
半年 Every half a year
一年 Annually
✖️不吃牛肉 Dont eat beef
Rate the average amount of food you threw away each meal in your school cafeteria. (1 Star = 10%; 10 Star = 100%)
选项1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
你觉得照现在地球暖化的趋势继续下去,地球能撑多久?How long do you think can the earth last if the global temperature continues to rise at the rate it is now?

20题 | 被引用3次
