Survey on Paper Recycling关于纸张回收的调查

All information is gathered anonymously. Thank you for participating in our junior project survey! 所有信息将会匿名处理。感谢您参与此次项目调研!
What grade are you currently in? 您就读于几年级?
Below Grade 8 (八年级以下)
Grade 8 (八年级)
Grade 9 (九年级)
Grade 10 (十年级)
Grade 11 (十一年级)
Grade 12 (十二年级)
College (大学生)
Adult (成人)
What's your gender? 您的性别是
Male (男)
Female (女)
Environmental protection is important 环境保护很重要
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Paper recycling is important 纸张回收很重要
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Can you list one or more benefits of paper recycling? 您是否能列出一个或者更多纸张回收的好处?
How often do you recycle paper? (*Aside from putting paper into 可回收垃圾) 您回收纸张的频率?(不包括将纸张投入可回收垃圾)
Almost never几乎不回收
Very few times极少数
Very often经常
Why do you choose not to recycle paper? (If you always recycle, please answer why you think others do not recycle) 为什么您不回收纸张?(若您一直回收纸张,您觉得为什么他人不回收纸张)
Recycling is too inconvenient (paper recycling cans are not accessible)回收纸张不够方便(没有纸张回收桶)
I dont know the correct way to recycle paper (我不知道如何正确回收纸张)
I dont think it makes a difference whether I recycle or not (回收不回收没有差别)
It is not my responsibility (回收纸张不是我的责任)
People around me arent recycling either (周围的人也不回收纸张)
I always forget (我一直忘记)

7题 | 被引用0次
