为了更好的完成接待工作,提升服务质量,我们特此邀请您对我们司机的服务进行评价。 请留下您的宝贵意见,我们会不断改进,以便未来为您提供更优质的服务,感谢您的信赖和支持! In order to better complete reception task, improve service quality, we hereby invite you to comment on the service of our drivers.
服务态度 Service attitude
服务很到位,态度良好,非常满意。The service is prefect, the attitude is great, very satisfied.
服务态度一般,尚需努力。The service attitude is general, still need to work hard.
服务不到位,感觉比较差。Poor service, feel worse.
礼貌用语的使用 Use of polite language
非常礼貌, 周到。Very polite and considerate.
偶尔会使用礼貌用语。Occasionally use polite language
从不使用礼貌用语,甚至有辱骂现象。Never use polite language or even swear.
司机是否准时 Is the driver punctual?
司机能准时或者提前在指定地点等候。The driver can wait on time or in advance at designated locations.
司机基本能准时在指定地点等候。The drivers are basically able to wait at designated locations on time.
司机不准时在指定地点等候,要我长时间等待。The driver didn’t wait on time at the designated location, so I had to wait a long time.
路线熟悉程度 Route familiarity
对路线非常熟悉,较快到达目的地。Be familiar with the route and get to the destination quickly.
对路线一般熟悉,未能按时到达目的地,影响工作效率。Generally familiar with the route, failed to reach the destination on time, affecting productivity.
对路线不熟悉,出现走了错路或者找不到路的情况。Unfamiliar with the route, driving the wrong way or not finding the route.
驾驶技术 Driving skills
驾驶技术娴熟,行速平稳,感觉安全舒适。Skilled driving, smooth driving speed, feel safe and comfortable.
驾驶技术一般,感觉体验一般。Driving technology and experience in general.
驾驶技术较差,经常急停猛转,乘车时感到不舒服。Poor driving technology, often put on the brakes, feeling uncomfortable.
驾驶时是否打电话(使用蓝牙除外)Whether to make a call while driving (except for use of Bluetooth)
偶尔打电话。Occasional phone calls.
经常打电话和玩手机。Make frequent phone calls and play with cell phones.
司机驾驶车辆的规范程度 The degree of pool car driving standards
良好的职业操守,无任何违章出现。Professional spirit, no violations.
偶尔出现交通违规现象。Occasional traffic violations.
经常性出现交通违规现象。There are frequent traffic violations.
司机的着装 Dress code
非常得体。Very decent.
不得体,但是可以理解。Its inappropriate, but its understandable.
穿着非常不合适。Dressed casually, even sloppy.
车辆的卫生环境是否整洁 Is the sanitary environment of pool car clean?
车内、外干净整洁,没有异味。The inside and outside of the car are clean, tidy and no odor.
车内、外整洁程度一般。The degree of neatness inside and outside the car is general.
车内、外脏乱差。The interior and exterior are dirty.
司机在车上是否抽烟 Does the driver smoke in the car?
开车时不抽烟,停车休息时会在车上抽烟。Not smoke when driving, but smoke in the car when stop for a rest.
经常开车时抽烟,车内烟气很浓。Smoking often while driving, the smoke in the car is very strong.
您对整体行程是否满意?Are you satisfied with the overall itinerary?
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您对司机和公务车辆有哪些建议:What recommendations do you have for drivers and pool cars?