
1. 您的国籍是?中国/美国 What is your nationality?
中国人 Chinese
美国人 American
2. 您的性别是? What is your gender?
男 Male
女 Female
3. 您的年龄是?What is your age?
4. 您在这家工厂工作了多久?How long have you worked in this factory?
5. 您现在还在为这家工厂工作吗?Are you still working for this factory?
是 Yes
否 No
6. 您是否从前GM代顿工厂的员工?Are you a former employee of the
General motors Dayton plant?
是 Yes
否 No
7. 您在加入福耀代顿工厂前是否有工作?如果答案是否的话,请问失业多长时间了?Did you work before joining Fuyao Dayton Plant? If the answer is no, how long have you been unemployed?
如果答案是否的话,请问失业多长时间了    ____________
8.工厂所支付的薪水你是否满意?Are you satisfied with the salary paid by Fuyao Dayton Plant?
是 Yes
否 No
9. 与您前一份工作比,它是更高或者更低?Is it higher or lower than your previous job?
是 Yes
否 No
10. 您在进入工厂前,是否对将没有美国工会知情?Did you know that there would be no U.S. unions before entering the factory?
是 Yes
否 No
11. 如果知情是什么原因促使你加入这间工厂?If informed, what motivated you to join this factory?
工资 Salary
稳定 stability
失业 unemployment
12. 福耀代顿工厂的工作时长是怎样?How is the working hours and shifts in Fuyao Dayton Plant?
长时间 long hours
正常 Normal
13. 是否按时午餐?Do you have a proper Lunch Break?
是 Yes
否 No
14. 您认为工作间隙的休息时间是否足够?Do you think the rest period betwen work shifts is sufficient?
是 Yes
否 No
15. 您认为是否有足够的带薪休假?Do you think they provide enough paid leave?
是 Yes
否 No
16. 您是否有亲近的外国同事?Do you have close foreign colleagues?
是 Yes
否 No
17.否会思考外国同事对工作的想法?Do you think about what foreign colleagues work method?
是 Yes
否 No
18. 您和外国同事之间的工作沟通是否通畅?Is there smooth communication between you and your foreign colleagues?
是 Yes
否 No
19. 您在代顿工厂受过工伤吗?Have you been injured at the Dayton Plant?
是 Yes
否 No
20. 工伤是否影响了你的生活或收入?Does an industrial injury affect your life or income?
是 Yes
否 No
21. 您认为工伤期间,公司有没有提供很好地医疗?Do you think the company provided good medical treatment during the work injury?
是 yes
否 No
22. 您是否同意中国工会和美国工会不同?Do you agree that Chinese and American unions are different?
是 Yes
否 No
23. 您认为福耀代顿工厂的中国工会能够照顾你吗?Do you think the Chinese unions at Fuyao Dayton can take care of you?
是 Yes
否 No
24. 您的家庭成员人数?How many members are in your family?
25. 您有几个小孩?How many children do you have?
26. 谁在照顾您的小孩?Who is taking care of your child?
27. 您是否和家人一起生活?Do you live with your family?
是 Yes
否 No
28. 您能接受因为工作与家人分离吗?Can you accept being separated from your family because of work?
是 Yes
否 No
29. 您认为公司对你好吗?Do you think overall the company treats you good ?
是 Yes
否 No

29题 | 被引用1次
