您的性别是?What is your gender?
您的身份是?Your identity is?
学生 students
其他 others
您做演讲的频率是?The frequency of your speech is
一个月多次more than once a month
2-3个月一次2-3 months a time
一年一次 once a year
您在演讲中运用手势的频率高吗?Do you use gestures frequently in your speech?
您在做演讲时是否会用手势辅助自己更好地完成演讲?Do you think use gestures to help you finish your speech better?
您在做演讲时说到某种物品时,是否会通过手势比出以便于听众理解? When you talk about something in your speech, will you compare it with your gestures so that the audience can understand it?
您在做演讲时若是做了手势,您是在轻松状态下下意识去做出手势的还是因为紧张状态而慌乱做出手势?When you make a speech, if you make gestures, do you make them subconsciously in a relaxed state or in a panic because of nervousness?
若您是作为演讲中的观众,您是否觉得演讲人的手势对你有增进理解的作用? If you are the audience in the speech, do you think the gesture of the speaker can improve your understanding?
您认为手势对演讲中的作用大吗?(作用:活跃气氛、控制场面等)Do you think gestures play an important role in speech? (role: active atmosphere, control scene, etc.)
您认为手势在演讲中有利的作用是什么?What do you think is the advantage of gestures in speech?