Please rate yourself for the items on the questionnaire using the following scale.
1: This describes a level which is definitely beyond my capabilities. Could not be expected to perform like this.(完全做不到)
2: Could be expected to perform like this provided that circumstances are favorable, for example if I have some time to think about what to say, or the interlocutor is tolerant and prepared to help out.(勉强做到)
3: Could be expected to perform like this without support in normal circumstances.(基本做到)
4: Could be expected to perform like this even in difficult circumstances, for example when in a surprising situation or when talking to a less cooperative interlocutor.(较好做到)
5. This describes a performance which is clearly below my level. Could perform better than this.(完全做到)
1. I can accurately detect various intentions in language spoken on both formal and informal occasions.
2. I can recognise other people's points of view or standpoint at formal occasions.
3. I can appreciate the subtle differences in various forms of persuasion, such as the difference between “no smoking” and “It would be nice if you could…”
4. I can understand and respond to challenges relating to my field of study, such as “Your performance would have been better if you had done…”
5. I can understand and express sympathy or regret in different social occasions, such as “I wish I could go back and start all over again.”
6. I can understand common complaints at social interactions and appropriately complain about unfair treatment, such as “I have been waiting for two hours, but...”
7. I can understand relatively discreet routine requests in daily communication, such as “Could you…please?”
8. I can understand and express simple and routine requests, such as “Excuse me.”, “ Can you help me please?”
9. I can understand and properly express simple and routine greetings, such as “Hello!”, “How are you?”
10. I can sense veiled threats in language spoken on formal occasions.
11. I can use different stylistic devices to convey criticism or sarcasm.
12. I can recognise threats and accusations at diplomatic functions.
13. I can express strong dissatisfaction appropriately on formal occasions.
14. I can recognise criticism or doubt when expressed on formal occasions.
15. I can suitably express his/her appreciation for someone on formal occasions.
16. I can express gratitude and condolences properly on formal occasions.
17. I can understand relatively complicated instructions in public announcements.
18. I can appreciate arguments or rebuttals found in formal correspondence.
19. I can write formal letters of appeal.
20. I can recognise polite flattery at formal occasions and respond properly, such as “Your topic is interesting.” or “Thank you. I am glad you like it, but…”
21. I can understand relatively formal language used to express sympathy or regret.
22. I can understand enquiries or recommendations found in formal correspondence.
23. I can make tactful requests on informal occasions.
24. I can write formal letters to articulate complaints.
25. I can recognise consolation or encouragement.
26. I can express his/her opinion and state his/her position in formal discussions.
27. I can understand other people’s points of view or positions on informal occasions.
28. I can understand words of caution or warnings in normal informal correspondence.
29. I can express his/her opinion on a routine topic of discussion.
30. I can write standard informal reminder letters or letters of warning.
31. I can understand complaints that are commonly heard on informal occasions.
32. I can understand tactfully worded requests or rejections in normal informal correspondence.
33. I can tactfully make a suggestion and explain his/her reasoning in simple terms.
34. I can understand relatively discreet routine requests.
35. I can understand words of regret or understanding in routine correspondence.
36. I can ask to be served at restaurants or other public venues.
37. I can write brief routine letters of apology or forgiveness.
38. I can understand someone’s description of his/her routine plans or intentions.
39. I can understand relatively discreet counsel that is routine in nature.
40. I can understand simple and routine conversation starters or enders.
41. I can understand requests in brief routine correspondence.
42. I can use basic phrases to express joy or sadness.
43. I can use simple language to write routine letters to request something.
44. I can follow simple and routine instructions or guides, such as “Sit down.”, “Come in.”
45. I can understand simple and routine requests.
46. I can understand notices or words of appreciation found in brief notes.
47. I can use basic phrases to ask for someone’s basic details, such as name and nationality.
48. I can use simple language to compose greeting cards with messages of congratulation or blessing.
49. I can understand and respond to challenges relating to my field of study, such as “Your performance would have been better if you had done…”
50. I can understand and express sympathy or regret in different social occasions, such as “I wish I could go back and start all over again.”