Adventure Tourism Market Questionnaire探险旅游市场调查问卷

Hello, I am student majoring in tourism. In order to further understand the characteristics of the tourism market, this survey is specially organized on a series of related issues in the tourism market, and hope to get your support and assistance. In this survey, you only need to choose an answer in your mind from the answers given in each question based on your actual situation. Thanks again for your participation.

Your occupation/您的职业
student /学生
Head of business unit /企业负责人
Professional skill worker /专业技术工人
Business man /商业,服务业人员
Production and transportation equipment operators /生产和运输设备操作员及相关人员
Practitioners of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and water conservancy /农业,林业,畜牧业,渔业和水利从业人员
other /其他
How many times do you travel per year?/您每年旅行几次?
Have you participated in an adventure trip/请问您是否参加过探险旅行?
What are the factors that limit your adventure tourism? (Multiple choice)/请问限制您探险旅游的影响因素有?(可多选)
No time /没时间
Too expensive /花费太高
High risk /危险性高
Not interested /不感兴趣
Other / 其他
How do you obtain adventure tourism information? (Multiple choice) /请问您获取探险旅游信息的途径有?(可多选)
Friend invitation /朋友邀约
The internet / 网络得知
Travel agency or club /旅行社或俱乐部
Fixed group organization /固定的群体组织
TV / 电视
Newspapers and magazines /报刊杂志
other /其他
Your desire for adventure travel /您对参加探险旅游的渴望程度
Dont want to go /不想去
consider /可以考虑
Want to go / 想去
I really wanted to go / 非常想去
What adventure tourism projects are you willing to choose? (Multiple choice) /请问您愿意选择的探险旅游项目有?(可多选)
Bungee jumping /蹦极
Paraglider / 滑翔伞
hot air balloon /热气球
parachute /跳伞
drifting /漂流
surf /冲浪
Kayaking /皮划艇
diving /潜水
Mountaineering /登山
rock climbing /攀岩
camping /露营
horse riding /骑马
Trekking /徒步穿越
Cave exploration /洞穴探秘
Prairie Adventure /草原探险
Mountain cross country /山地越野
Desert adventure /沙漠探险
other /其他
If you participate in adventure tourism, what is your motivation? (Multiple choice) /您如果参加探险旅游,动机是?(可多选)
Relieve stress /缓解压力
Challenge yourself /挑战自我
Experience /体验感受
hobby /兴趣爱好
Exercise /锻炼身体
Thrill seeking / 寻求刺激
make friends /结交朋友
Enjoy the scenery /欣赏风景
other /其他
Which adventure tourism destination would you like to choose? (Multiple choice) /请问您愿意选择的探险旅游目的地有?(可多选)
China Mainland /中国大陆
Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions of China /中国港澳台地区
Rest of Asia /亚洲其他地区
Europe /欧洲
North America /北美洲
South America /南美洲
Oceania /大洋洲
Africa /非洲
Antarctica /南极洲
What kind of adventure tourism travel method would you like to choose? (Multiple choice)   /请问您愿意选择的探险旅游出游方式?(可多选)
Travel agency special tourism /旅行社特种旅游
Club or association /俱乐部或协会
Spontaneous online group /网上自发组团
Walk with relatives and friends /与亲朋结伴同行
Self-driving or backpacking alone /自驾车或背包独行
How much time are you willing to spend on an adventure trip?  /请问您愿意在一次冒险旅行中花费的时间?
Back and forth in the same day /当天来回
2-4 days /2—4天
5-7 days / 5—7天
More than 7 days /7天以上
How much are you willing to pay for the expedition?  /请问您愿意付出探险旅游花费是?
Below 65€ /500¥ 以下
65€ -130€ /500¥-1000¥
130€ -260€ /1000¥-2000¥
260€ -360€ /2000¥-3000¥
Above 360€ / 3000¥以上
Your education  /您的学历?
Primary school /小学
Junior high school /初中
high school /高中
Bachelor degree /本科
Masters degree /研究生
PhD /博士
Other levels / 其他水平
Your monthly income /您的月收入情况
Below650€ /5000¥
650€-1300€ /5001-10000¥
1300€-2600€ /10001-20000¥
2600€-3900€ /20001-30000¥
Above 4000€ /30000以上

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