Technology applications and intention of visiting smart hotel survey 科技應用與到訪智能酒店的意圖問卷

I am a IFTM student and conducting a year4 thesis project. I would like to know about your opinions and evaluation about technology applications and intention of visiting smart hotel survey. Your responses are very valuable for me. In addition, I promise that the information we collect for you will only be used in research. The survey will only take 4-5 minutes to complete and your responses are completely anonymous. I really appreciate your help!
您好! 我是澳門旅遊學院學生正在進行大四的論文項目。 我們想了解您對科技應用與到訪智能酒店的意圖的意見和評價。 您的回應對我們非常寶貴。 此外,我保證一切所收集的信息將僅用於研究。 該問卷僅需4-5分鐘即可完成,您的回覆完全是匿名的。 非常感謝您的幫助!
你知道智能酒店嗎? Do you know smart hotel ?
知道 yes
不知道 no
你認為智能酒店應該俱備什麼科技應用? what technology applications do think the smart hotel should have ? (多選題 multiple choice )
人臉識別 face recognition
自助服務亭 Self-service kiosk
服務機器人 Service Robot
聊天機器人 Chatbot
語音激活個人助理(例如Google Home,Amazon Echo )voice-activated personal assistants (e.g. Google Home, Amazon Echo)
感應器 Sensor
智能操控面板 Smart panel
智能手機應用 Smartphone app
Other 其他
除了科技應用,還有什麼因素會影響你到訪智能酒店?Beside the technology applications, what factors will affect you choosing to visit the smart hotel? (多選題 multiple choice )
廣告 Advertisement
酒店的名聲 Hotel reputation
客人服務 Customer service
設施 Facilities
以往的入住經驗 Past staying experience
探索新體驗 Explore new experience
Other 其他
您最常旅行的目的是什麼? What is your most frequent purpose of travel purpose?
商務 Business
休閒娛樂 Leisure
Other 其他
在最近兩年,你曾經到訪過智能酒店嗎? Have you ever been to smart hotel in the past two years?
從來沒有 Never
10次或以上 10 or above
科技應用會影響您訪問智能酒店的意圖嗎? How the technology applications likely would affect you intention of visiting smart hotel ?
非常可能 Very likely 可能 Likely 中性 Neutral 不可能 Unlikely 非常不可能 Very likely
人臉識別 face recognition
自助服務亭 Self-service kiosk
服務機器人 Service Robot
聊天機器人 Chatbot
語音激活個人助理 voice-activated personal assistants
感應器 Sensor
智能操控面板 Smart panel
智能手機應用 Smartphone app
Demographics 人口統計
What is your age? 您的年齡?
Under 18 (18歲以下)
60 or above (60歲或以上)
What is your gender? 您的性別?
Male (男)
Female (女)
What is your occupation? 您的職業?
Employed for wages (受僱)
Out of work(無業)
Unable to work(不能工作)
What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? 您完成的最高學歷或等級是什麼?
No schooling completed (沒有完成學業)
Primary school (小學)
Middle school (初中)
High school graduate(高中畢業生)
Associate degree (大專學歷)
Bachelor’s degree (學士學位)
Master’s degree (碩士)
Doctorate degree (博士學位)
Where do you come from? 你從哪裡來的?
Macao (澳門)
Hong Kong (香港)
Maindland China (中國內地)
Other 其他
Monthly income rate? 每月收入?
Less than MOP $5,000.00 (少於澳門幣五千元)
MOP $5,000.00 - MOP $10,000.00 (澳門幣五千元至澳門幣一萬元)
MOP $10,000.00 - MOP $15,000.00 (澳門幣一萬元至澳門幣一萬五千元)
MOP $15,000.00 - MOP $20,000.00 (澳門幣一萬五千元至澳門幣二萬元)
More than MOP $20,000.00 (澳門幣二萬元以上)

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