组织协调性调研 | Organizational Harmony Pole

为了确保公司的资源和能力能在各部门之间自由流动,提升我们的响应速度、灵活性、整合度和创新性,从而协同为客户增加价值,请仔细思考以下每一个问题,并给出坦诚的反馈。In order to ensure that all our shared resources and competencies - arrayed across the horizontal spectrum - improve speed, flexibility, integration, and innovation so we focus on creating value for customers collaboratively, please think thoroughly before you offer your feedback. 

总体来说,您认为贵公司跨部门协作状况如何?Overall, how well does your company collaborate cross-functionally today? 

很差 Not at all well
勉强 Slightly well
不错 Moderately well
很好 Very well
非常好 Extremely well

为什么您给了上述评价?如有需要,请举例说明  Why did you rate the above score? Give specific examples if applicable


为了有效实现您的部门工作目标,您需要以下哪些部门的支持或输入?(可多选) In order to achieve your department goal effectively, who’s support or input do you need from? (tick more than one if applicable)

总经理 CEO
项目部 Project
生产部 Production
工程部 Engineering
采购部 Purchasing
销售部 Sales
运营部 Operation
人力资源部 HR
财务部 Finance

在您所勾选的上述部门中,您对哪个部门提供的支持最为满意?为什么?Among all your ticked functions, which department satisfies you the most? 

最满意的部门 The most satisfying department:    ____________
为什么?Why?    ____________

在您所勾选的上述部门中,您对哪个部门提供的支持最不满意?为什么?Among all your ticked functions, which department dissatisfies you the most? 

最不满意的部门 The most dissatisfying department:    ____________
为什么?Why?    ____________

为了改善公司的跨部门协作,从而最终提高客户满意度,您需要哪些部门为您具体提供什么支持?(可多选,其中对“需求”的描述越具体越好)To improve company-wide collaboration thus increase customer satisfaction, what specific needs do you have from which department? (fill in more than one if applicable, the more specific the need is, the better )

需求 Need #1 需求 Need #2 需求 Need #3
总经理 CEO ____________ ____________ ____________
项目部 Project ____________ ____________ ____________
生产部 Production ____________ ____________ ____________
工程部 Engineering ____________ ____________ ____________
采购部 Purchasing ____________ ____________ ____________
销售部 Sales ____________ ____________ ____________
运营部 Operation ____________ ____________ ____________
人力资源部 HR ____________ ____________ ____________
财务部 Finance ____________ ____________ ____________

您期望通过增强公司跨部门协作后能够获得的收益是什么?(可多选)What is the primary benefit you hope to achieve by improved / increased collaboration in your company? (tick more than one if applicable)

共享信息 Share information
获得资源 Access to resources
提高效率 Increase efficiency
无缝连接 Create seamlessness
交叉学习 Cross learning
创新突破 Innovate ideas
其他 Others (Please specify)

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