Market Research of Secret Room Escape密室逃脫市場調研問卷

Are you in Shenzhen or other cities?
Yes, I am in Shenzhen.
No, I am not in Shenzhen.
Where do you live in Shenzhen
Baoan District 寶安區
Nanshan 南山區
Futian District 福田區
Luohu Disctrict 羅湖區
Longhua District 龍華區
Guangming Distric 光明區
Yantian Distric 鹽田區
Longgang District 龍崗區
Pingshan District 坪山新區
Dapeg District 大鵬新區
What is your initial impression of this item?
A game requires high IQ. 一項高智商燒腦遊戲。
Horrible and scary. 驚悚且恐怖的。
Depressive 壓抑的
Relaxing and casual 輕鬆休閒的。
Others 其他
Did you have an experience of secret room escape?
Yes. 是的,我曾經體驗過真人密室逃脫。
No. 否,我從沒有體驗過真人密室逃脫。
How often do you experience escape room?
At least once a week. 一週一次或以上
At least once a month. 一月一次或以上
At least three times a month. 一個月至少三次
At most once a year. 一年最多一次
It Depends on the situation, occasionally I will accept a friend’s invitation to play with him. 看情況,我偶爾會接受朋友的邀請去陪他們玩。
Is there any change in the impression of it after the experience?
There is no change. 沒有變化。
Yes, the change is 是的,產生了以下變化
Which style of escape room do you prefer?
Horror style 恐怖風
Cozy style 溫馨風
Suspenseful style 懸疑風
Deciphered style 解密風
Ancient style 古風
Others 其他風格
What kind of  secret room scene do you like?
Hosiptal 醫院
School 學校
Prision 監獄
Martial arts 武林
Others 其他場景
What kind of mode of secret room escape do you like?
Evaluation and decryption 評估與解密型
Immersion 沉浸式
Semi-immersion 半沉浸式
Others 其他模式
What kind of game play do you like of secret room escape?
Evaluating multiple roles 評估多角色的
Multiple endings 多結局的
Confrontational 有對抗性的
Interactive 有互動性的
What elements do you expect to appear in the scene of secret room?
More abundant sense of plot 更豐富的劇情感
Better decryption ability 更強的解密能力
More horrifying scene 更驚悚的場景
Better hands-on skills 更強的動手能力
Upgrade of scene 場景的升級
High technology 高科技
Others 其他
Do you think NPC(非玩家角色) can improve your experience?
No. 否,有沒有NPC對我來說沒區別。
Yes. 是的,NPC對我的遊戲體驗有以下提高
Have you ever had the trouble that you wanted to play the secret room escape but couldn't do it because the number of your companions was not enough for the limit of the number of players?
Yes. 是的,我曾有過這種困擾。
No. 否,我沒有這種困擾。
Do you choose to play a game with strangers because there are not enough players?
Yes. 是的,我會選擇和陌生人拼場。
No. 否,我不會選擇和陌生人拼場。
What is the channel for you to find strangers play with you?
From public social platforms. 從公共社交平台(微博、豆瓣等)
From the community of the secret room escape. 來自密室逃脫品牌的社群(QQ、微信等群)
At the scene of secret escape room store. 在密室逃脫門店的現場找人拼場
Have you ever given up participating in a game because you have been waiting in line for too long?
Yes. 是的,我曾經排隊到一半就走了。
No. 否,我會一直排隊直到輪到我進場。
If the VR technology is added to the secret room, are you interested in trying it?
Yes. 是的,我非常願意嘗試。
No. 否,我對它不感興趣。
What is the range of per capital fares you can accept?
Less than 100 yuan. 少於100元
100-200 yuan. 100至200元
200-300 yuan. 200-300元
More than 300 yuan. 300元以上
Why did you choose not to try an secret room escape game?
It’s said to be too scary, I am timid. 據說它太恐怖了,我膽子小不敢嘗試。
I heard that this game is very brain-burning and not suitable for me. 我聽說這個遊戲很燒腦,不適合我,我只適合躺著。
It seems that there is a limit on the number of player. I don’t want to play with others, I only want to play single player games. 它好像對玩家的人數有限制,我不喜歡和別人玩遊戲,我只想玩單人遊戲。

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