您的姓名/What's your name?
您的性别?(What's your gender?)
您的年龄?(What's your age?)
您的国籍以及现居城市?(The nationality and the city you live now?)
您的感情状况(Your relationship status):
单身 single
有男/女朋友 have boy/girlfriend
已婚 married
您家里是否有家政阿姨为您洗衣服?(Do you have a housekeeper to wash and dry clothes for you?)
您是否听说过AI智能衣橱?(Have you ever heard of AI Wardrobe?)
您家里有智能家具产品吗(例如扫地机器人)?【Do you have any smart furniture (sweeping robots or whatever) in your home?】
您干洗衣服或是熨烫衣服的频率?(How often do you dry clean or iron your clothes?)
一周1~2次(Once/twice a week)
一个月1~2次(Once/twice a month)
您平时花在搭配服装的时间平均每天是多久?(How much time do you spend on matching clothes on an average day?)
小于10分钟(Less than 10 mins)
大于20分钟(More than 20mins)
您觉得智能衣柜对您的重要程度?(How important do you think the AI Wardrobe is to you?)
非常重要(very important)
一般重要(not really)
完全不需要(not needed)
您觉得智能衣柜应该具备哪些功能(选择两个)?【What are the functions of a smart wardrobe? (choose two)】
搭配衣服【Match clothes (already available)】
按季节,颜色,款式和品牌分类(Classify by season, color, style and brand)
可以烘干和熨烫衣服(Iron and dry clothes)
它可以识别现有的服装代码并推荐新的搭配(匹配搭配),推出新的款式并直接购买(Identify the existing clothing code and recommend new collocations (match collocations), push new styles and purchase them directly)
根据织物确定干洗或水洗(温度,数量)【Determine dry cleaning or water washing (temperature, amount) according to fabric】
您认为智能衣柜的预期使用寿命应该是多少?(What do you think the life expectancy of the AI wardrobe should be?)
两年内(in 2 years)
两年至五年 (2~5 years)
五年以上 (more than 5 years)
您日常在哪里购买衣服?(Where do you prefer to buy clothes?)
线下店铺如:百货商场/街边店铺)(Offline shopping 【ex: Department stores, Street shops】)
线上网站,如:淘宝/抖音(Online shopping 【ex: Taobao,Ticktok】)
很少自己买衣服,都是家里人,买给我(Rarely buy clothes, almost bought by my family.)
您在购买家具类产品时,最可能受到哪里的信息影响?(多选)【 Which kind of information are you most likely to be influenced when purchasing furniture items? (Mult-select)】
图文广告(微博/小红书/微信公众号)【Graph ads(Weibo/Xiaohongshu/Whchat official account)】
视频广告(抖音/B站/快手)【Video ads (Tiktok/Bilibili/Kuaishou)】
亲戚朋友的推荐(Recommendations from friends and relatives)
报纸/杂志 (Newspapers/Magazines)
其他 others:
16. 您认为智能衣柜的定价多少比较合理? (How much do you think the AI wardrobe is reasonably priced?)
10000以内 (Less than10000)
30000以上 (More than 30000)
17. 您是否在直播间购买过家具?(Have you ever bought furniture in live shopping)
18. 您认为传统衣柜最主要的弊端是什么?(What do you think are the main disadvantages of the traditional wardrobe?)
衣物收纳空间利用率低(Low utilization of space for clothing storage)
衣柜收纳布局不合理(The storage layout of the wardrobe is unreasonable)
衣物会发霉、有异味(The clothes will be moldy and smelly)
D. 衣物拿取不便(Inconvenient access to clothing)