
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to participate in this survey. This questionnaire aims at studying the impact of the announcement of Canada Goose to give up animal fur on consumers. All contents are for academic research purposes only. Please fill in truthfully. Thank you again for your cooperation! (Please do not fill in if under 18 years old).

What is your gender?(您的性别?)
Female 女士
Male 男士
How old are you?(您的年龄?)
Over 35
What country do you live in?(您所居住的国家是?)
China 中国
Other (其他)
What is your personal monthly income?(您的月收入是?)CNY
Less than 5000 (5000以下)
5000 - 10000
More than 10000 (一万以上)
I‘m not convenient (不方便诉说)
Have you bought Fur product?(您是否购买过皮草?)
No 否
Yes 是的
Have you ever bought brand Canada Goose Fur product?(您是否购买过加拿大鹅品牌的动物皮草类产品?)
No 否
Yes 是的
Have you read about the recenet announcement that Canada Goose is abandoning animal fur?(您是否了解到近期加拿大鹅品牌宣布弃用动物皮草的公告?)
No 否
Yes 是的
Which fur products have you bought?(您曾购买过哪些皮草产品?)
Garment 服装类
Scarves and gloves 围巾和手套
Shoes and hats 鞋子和帽子
Handbags 手提包
Accessories 配件
Plush toys 毛绒玩具
Other 其他
Never bought 从没有购买过
Do you agree with Canada Goose's ues of artificial fur instead of animal fur?( 您是否赞同加拿大鹅品牌使用人造毛替代动物皮毛?)
Agree 同意
Generally agreed 一般
Dont agree 不同意
Dose the removal of fur from Canada Goose affect your desire to buy the brand?(加拿大鹅弃用动物皮毛是否会影响您对该品牌的购买欲望?)
No 否
Yes 是的
What do you think of Canada Goose as a brand that uses animal fur for clothing or as a main advertising point?(您怎样看待加拿大鹅这个品牌用动物皮毛来制作衣服或者作为主要宣传点?)
Does the removal of fur from Canada Goose affect your choice of style?(加拿大鹅品牌弃用动物皮毛是否会影响您对该品牌款式的选择?)
No 否
Yes 是的
What do you think is the intention of Canada Goose?(您觉得加拿大鹅品牌此次行为的初衷是什么?)
To protect animals 保护动物
Reduce the cost降低成本
Under pressure from the Humane society在动物保护协会的压力下
I don‘t Know 我不知道

13题 | 被引用0次
