
Part Ⅰ: Screening Questions
1. Do you still study in university in Chengdu and has experienced using streaming shopping platforms? (Including through desktop or mobile applications)
( ) Yes (Please go to the next question)
( ) No (Thank you for your time and please return the questionnaire to the researcher)
2. What is your most frequently used streaming shopping platform? (Please select only ONE platform)
( )Taobao
( )Tiktok
( )Jingdong
( )Others (please specify...........................)
Part Ⅱ Demographics Information
1. What is your gender?
( ) Male
( ) Female
2.What year are you in university?
() Freshman
() Sophomore
() Junior
() Senior
Part III : Factors Influencing the University Students’s Behavioral Intention through Tiktok live streaming shopping
• A five-point likert scale is used for measurement of variables. Please rate the statement and determine to what degree with the statement on a scale 1 to 5.
• 1. Strongly disagree
• 2. Disagree
• 3. Neutral
• 4. Agree
• 5. Strongly agree
V1: Perceived ease of use
1. Tiktok Live streaming is easy-to-use.
2. It is easy to become skillful at using Tiktok Live streaming.
3. Learning to operate Tiktok Live streaming is easy.
4. Tiktok Live streaming is flexible to interact with.
5. My interaction with Tiktok Live streaming is clear and understandable.
6. It is easy to interact with Tiktok Live streaming.
V2: Perceived usefulness
1. It is useful to use Tiktok Live streaming.
2. Using Tiktok Live streaming saves time and effort.
3. Using Tiktok Live streaming improves efficiency.
4. Tiktok Live streaming allow me to purchase products at a low cost.
V3: Perceived enjoyment
1. I feel good when using Tiktok Live streaming.
2. It is exciting to use Tiktok Live streaming.
3. It is interesting to use Tiktok Live streaming.
4. When I use Tiktok Live streaming, I don’t realize how fast time goes.
V4: Attitude
1. I think use Tiktok Live streaming would be a good idea .
2. I think to use Tiktok Live streaming is a wise decision.
3. I like to use Tiktok Live streaming.
4. Using Tiktok Live streaming services is an exciting idea.
V5: Service quality
1. Tiktok Live streaming has available equipment and facilities.
2. Tiktok Live streaming has shipment track and trace capability.
3. Tiktok Live streaming has high level of operational efficiency.
4. Tiktok Live streaming has speedy service and response to customers’ requirements.
5. Tiktok Live streaming has reliability of shopping services.
6. Tiktok Live streaming collects customers’ feedback and continuously improvement of customer-oriented management processes.
V6: Social influence
1. If most of my social software friends’ likes/comments/shares about a live streaming platform are in the same direction, my decisions also are similar.
2. My decision-making process is influenced by likes/comments/shares on social software because I think I will get true information from them about a live streaming platform.
V7: Behavioral intention
1. I have intended to use Tiktok Live streaming.
2. I have a plan to use Tiktok Live streaming.
3. I have a prediction of the use of Tiktok Live streaming.

42题 | 被引用1次
