Department 部门
EY 幼儿园
PYP 小学
IAA 绚彩
Admin 行政职工
Where have you been in Jul. 2021? 7月份您去过哪里呢?
In Ningbo 一直在宁波
Out of Ningbo but in Zhejiang 出过宁波但在浙江省内
Out Of Zhejiang Province 出了浙江省
Out of China 在国外
Please fill the time and place where you visit in Jul. 请填写您7月份的行动轨迹。
Departure 出发时间 | Return 返回时间 | Transportation交通工具 | 省份 To Which Province | 城市 To Which City |
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Where are you now ? 您现在在哪个城市呢?
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We strongly suggest you not going out of Zhejiang in Aug. if you really have special plan at that time, please tell us. 8月份原则上无特殊情况不出浙江省,如确有特殊情况,请填写以下信息。(不出宁波不用填写,出宁波市必填. please fill it if you have trip plan out of Ningbo)
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