您的性别?(What is your gender?)
男 (Male)
女 (Female)
不愿透露 (Prefer not to say)
您属于哪个年龄段? (What age group do you belong to? *)
13岁及以下 (13 or younger)
25以上 (25 or older)
您的最高学历(含目前在读)是? What is your highest education level (including current education)?
小学及以下Primary and below
初中Junior high school
高中/中专/技校Senior high school/technical school
大学专科junior college
大学本科University degree
硕士研究生及以上Master degree or above
您是中国人吗? (Are you a Chinese citizen?)
是 (Yes)
不是,只是生活在中国 (No,Just living in China.)
您多久吃一次西式快餐?(How often do you consume fast food?)
一周1~2次 (1-2 times a week)
一周3~5次(3-5 times a week)
每天 (everyday)
一个月一次 (once a month)
肯德基 KFC
麦当劳 McDonalds
必胜客 Pizza Hut
汉堡王 Burger King
德克士 Dicos
其他 other
您听说过美国快餐连锁店In N Out Burger吗?(Have you ever heard about In N Out?)
您觉得这份菜单足够丰富 (You believe In N Out menu is varied enough)
食物的口味(新鲜度和美味程度)对你来说很重要 (The taste (freshness and deliciousness) of food is important to you)
如果你知道菜品新鲜美味,员工热情好客,环境宜人,你愿意在In-N-Out一次消费多少钱? (How much are you willing to pay for an In N Out item know that the food is fresh and delicious, he staff is very welcoming and the environment is enjoyable?)
我们该如何改进以更好地满足您的需求? (How could we improve our menu to better meet your needs?)
您觉得In-N-Out Burger 进入中国市场会给西式快餐行业带来好的影响 (Do you think in-N-OUT Burger's entry into the Chinese market will have a good impact on the Western fast food industry)