
一、对学校的满意度,忠诚度,远景的满意度 Satisfaction with current status and school future, staff loyalty.
我对学校目前的管理和运作很有计划性和条理性。I am satisfied with school management and operation.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



The school’s current staffing arrangements and settings are very reasonable. 

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I am confidence with the future of our school.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


相对于其他教育机构,我更愿意留在学校就职。Sunrise Academy is my employment of choice compared to other education opportunities.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


二、福利薪酬的满意度 Satisfaction with benefits
目前的薪酬与福利跟我的付出成正比,我很满意。My salary is satisfactory for my workload.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



Compared to other institutions in the same industry in Lijiang, I feel that my staff benefit package is attractive. 

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



The school holiday arrangements are reasonable and I am satisfied.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


三、工作安排、工作与生活平衡 Working assignment, work-life balance

I am satisfied with my current working status and love my job. 

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


我的工作与生活可以很好的平衡(没有冲突)。My work-life balance is good (no conflict). 
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I can handle my job assignment and task easily. 

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


四、工作中被认可,自我价值的实现 Recognition in the work, 

I clearly understand the main purpose and philosophy of the school.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



What I am doing is what I am good at, and my personal strengths can be fully utilized.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I feel confident in my ability to supervise students during recess times.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


我对我的岗位职责与技能要求已经有清楚的了解。The responsibilities and competence requirements for my positions are clearly defined for me.
A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



My team and the other staff members provide a motivating and friendly environment for my working experience.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



Colleagues in the school have cohesion and execution.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I feel like I have adapted to become an integral part of the school’s program.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I am encouraged and supported by my direct supervisor.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I am satisfied with the staff uniform at the school.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I feel free to express my opinions and offer suggestions for the development of the school’s program.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



Our team-work is good, and the information related to various aspects of work is clearly expressed across my team.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


六、个人与职业的发展 Personal development

I would appreciate more opportunities to grow professionally.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)



I have been provided opportunities to improve my knowledge and competence in my work.

A. Thoroughly agree 非常同意
B. Agree同意
C. Disagree 不同意
D. Completely Disagree 完全不同意
If you like, you can give some description of the reason if your score is less than 3 points(1or 2points only)


七、开放问题 Free Questions 
请列出几项你认为学校目前迫切需要改进的地方。 Please list out any aspects in which you think Sunrise Academy should make progress in the future. 

Please list out any aspects which you think our school is doing well on. 


Please select your position (Choose all that apply):

行政管理Operational Staff
教师 Teaching Staff
管理层 Leadership Staff

57题 | 被引用4次
