1. 你的年龄? What is your age?
2. 生活中压力的主要来源? What is your main source of stress in life?
家庭 Family
学习 Academics
感情 Relationship problems
社交 Social interactions
童年/过往创伤 Past trauma
3. 我觉得闷闷不乐,情绪低沉。 I feel down-hearted and blue.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
4. 我觉得一天中早晨最好。 Morning is when I feel the best.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
5. 我一阵阵哭出来或觉得想哭。 I have crying spells or feel like it.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
6. 我晚上睡眠不好。 I have trouble sleeping at night.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
7. 我吃得跟平常一样多。 I eat as much as I used to.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
8. 我与异性密切接触时和以往一样感到愉快。 I still enjoy sex.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
9. 我发现我的体重在下降。 I notice that I am losing weight.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
10. 我有便秘的苦恼。 I have trouble with constipation.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
11. 我心跳比平常快。 My heart beats faster than usual.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
12. 我无缘无故地感到疲乏。 I get tired for no reason.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
13. 我的头脑跟平常一样清楚。 My mind is as clear as it used to be.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
14. 我觉得经常做的事情并没有困难。 I find it easy to do the things I used to.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
15. 我觉得不安而平静不下来。 I am restless and can’t keep still.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
16. 我对将来抱有希望。 I feel hopeful about the future.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
17. 我比平常容易生气激动。 I am more irritable than usual.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
18. 我觉得作出决定是容易的。 I find it easy to make decisions.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
19. 我觉得自已是个有用的人,有人需要我。 I feel that I am useful and needed.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
20. 我的生活过得很有意思。 My life is pretty full.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
21. 我认为如果我死了,别人会生活得好些。 I feel that others would be better off if I were dead.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。 Most of the time.
22. 平常感兴趣的事我仍然照样感兴趣。 I still enjoy the things I used to do.
没有或很少时间。A little of the time.
小部分时间。Some of the time.
相当多时间。Good part of the time.
绝大部分或全部时间。Most of the time.
23. 你是否有接触过心理医生等医疗救助? Have you sought help from therapists and/or psychiatrists?
有通过网上咨询过 I’ve sought help on the internet
有去过医院 I’ve been to the psychiatrist
有去过心理咨询 I’ve had therapy
没有机会接触 I haven’t sought help
我觉得不需要这些 I don’t think I need help
24. 你是否有渠道了解心理知识以及调节情绪的办法? Do you have a source (eg. wechat official account) where you learn about psychology and how to improve your mental health?
有,我因此受益很多 Yes, and it’s helpful
有,但不怎么适合我 Yes, but it wasn’t helpful
没有,我很困扰,我觉得我需要这样的机会 No, but I think it would be helpful
我觉得我自己能调节好我的情绪 I don’t need this
25. 你认为你的心理状况会如何影响到平时的生活?Do you think your mental state affects your daily life (eg. performance in school, focusing in class etc) and, if yes, how?
26. 你是否会因为感受到身边的人的情绪低落而自己产生负面情绪? Has your mood ever been affected by a person around you who was sad?
27. 你(在系统学习心理学之前)对心理学这门学科目前有什么了解或印象? What is your impression of the subject Psychology? (IF YOU STUDY PSYCHOLOGY: what was your impression of psychology before you started studying it?)
28. 你觉得阅读和自己有相似心理问题的人所写的心理学/心理学相关文章能如何帮助到自己? Do you think reading works created by people with similar mental states to you will be beneficial to your mental health?
29. 如果有个平台能提供和你有相似困扰以及已经确诊心理疾病的患者进行互帮互助,你是否觉得这会有用? If this platform were to connect you to patients diagnosed with mental health disorders with symptoms similar to what you may feel so that you could help each other, would you find it helpful?
肯定有用 Absolutely
可能有用 Maybe
可能没用 I dont think so
肯定没用 Wouldnt be helpful at all
25-49 正常范围 Normal Range
50-59 轻度抑郁 Mildly Depressed
60-69 中度抑郁 Moderately Depressed
70 and above 重度抑郁 Severely Depressed