
What is your gender? 您的性别是什么?
Male 男性
Female 女性
What is your grades? 您的年级是什么?
Freshman 大一
Sophomore 大二
Junior 大三
Senior 大四
What is your major? 您的专业是什么?
Social Science 社会科学
Natural Science 自然科学
Finance 商科
Engineer 工科
Other Majors 其他学科
What is your circumstances when you were young? 您小时候生活环境是什么样的?
Rural area with few parents’ restrictions 农村(县城)父母的管教少
Rural area with strict parents restrictions 农村(县城)父母管教多
Urban area with few parents restrictions 城市 父母管教少
Urban area with strict parents restrictions 城市 父母管教多
What is your rank in term of study in your major? 您的GPA成绩在年级的排名
Top 25%
Top 26-50%
Top 51%-75%
Top 76%-100%
How much time do you spend on study (school work, after-school exploration) besides class in one week? 除去学校的课程,您在学习(作业,课外探索)上面花费了多少时间?
20-25 hours
25-30 hours
30-35 hours
more than 30 hours 多于30个小时
What is the main reason for you to stay up late? 支撑您熬夜的原因是什么?
Playing games 游戏
Study 学习
social contact 聊天
Interests 兴趣爱好
What is your regulation to measure a good students? 您认为衡量一个优秀学生的条件是什么?
Good academic performance 学术成绩好
A good quality in terms of Interpersonal communication 良好的人际沟通能力
Proficient in a subject 精通某一门学科
have a good time management 良好的时间管理
What is your feeling when you accepted new knowledge from your classmates? 当从同学那里获得新知识时,你的感觉是
Desirable 欣喜的
Insipid 无感觉的
Stressful 有压力的
If you think that there exist "Involution" among the students in your major, what is the grades changes in your class? 如果你认为本专业的学生存在内卷,你们班级的成绩变化?
Increase 提升
Remain the same 不变
Decrease 下降
What is your opinion on “Involution” among students in your major? 您是如何认为内卷的?
Appreciate 欣赏
Does not have any feeling 没有感觉
hate 感到反感
Do you think that this generation work harder than your parents' generation? 你认为这一代人的工作/学习比父母一辈的人辛苦吗?
Yes 是
No 否
Do you think that “Involution” helps student in your field improve themselves? 您认为内卷帮助你们专业同学提升自己成绩了吗?
Yes 是的
I dont know 我不清楚
No 否
Do you often feel stressful when you study with people who always be the top one in study? 在跟第一名学习时你是否感到压力?
Yes 是
No 否
How many class do you select in this semester? 你这一学期选了多少课?
How many classes(maximum compulsory class+ maximum elective class) can you choose in this semester? 你这一学期最多能选几门课(必修+选秀)?
What do you think “Involution” provides to you? 你认为内卷带给你了什么?
Consent Form 同意书

Investigator: Jiashu Zhu 调查员:朱家澍

Jinan Foreign Language School 济南外国语学校


You are invited to take part in a research study which aims to illustrate how “Involution” affect undergraduated students’ daily attitude in study in Shan Dong Finance and Economic University. Before you accept, I would like to help you understand the research and what participation you will be involved in. Please read through this informed consent and feel free to let me know if you need some clarification.

您将被邀请参加一项研究,该研究旨在探究内卷对山东财经大学大学生的学习态度影响。在您接受之前, 我想帮助您了解一下这项研究,以及您将参与的项目,如果需要澄清, 请随时告诉我。


I will let you do a survey related to “Involution”. In the survey, there will be question about your basic information and feeling when you study. You can choose to not answer the question if it violates your privacy.


You need not worry about privacy as I will not share your private information. Your answers will be presented anonymously in my presentation.

您不用担心隐私, 因为我不会分享您的信息。 您的回答将在我的报告中以匿名的方式呈现。

This Consent has been read and fully understood by the undersigned and has been explained to me. 



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