
欢迎参加本次答题。众所周知,睡眠是人类一项不可缺少的生理活动, 人的一生约三分之一 的时间在睡眠中度过, 睡眠是机体复原、整合和巩固记忆的重要环节, 是维系人类健康的保证。据世界卫生组织调查,27%的人有睡眠问题,而我自己也是其中一员,我发现在我周围的大学生这种现象很普遍。本次调查报告是我一直想做的一件事,想了解我们大学生的睡眠时间,同时也完成一项数据分析的作业。本次调查采用匿名处理,请放心答题,您的每一个回答都会对我有很大帮助。谢谢您的参与!

Welcome to this quiz. As we all know, sleep is an indispensable physiological activity for human beings. About one-third of human life is spent in sleep. Sleep is an important part of the body's recovery, integration and memory consolidation, and it is the guarantee for maintaining human health. According to the World Health Organization survey, 27% of people have sleep problems, and I am one of them, and I find this phenomenon is common among college students around me. This survey report is something I have always wanted to do. I want to know the sleep time of our college students, and also complete a data analysis homework. This survey is anonymous, please feel free to answer the questions, each of your answers will be of great help to me. Thank you for your participation!

您的性别?Your gender?
您所在的年级?What grade are you in?
大一|first year undergraduate
大二|second year undergraduate
大三|third year undergraduate
大四|fourth year undergraduate
研一|master first year
研二 | master seconder year
博一|PhD first year
博二|PhD second year
博三|PhD third year
已经毕业(可以回忆您毕业之前的大学生活)|Have graduated (can recall your college life before graduation)
您晚上什么时候开始上床睡觉?When do you start going to bed at night?
9点以前|before 9 oclock
凌晨|in the morning 0:00-1:00
凌晨| in the morning1:00-2:00
凌晨2:00以后 |After 2:00 am
睡觉之前您在干什么?What are you doing before going to bed?
看纸质小说,写日记等比较文艺的事情|Reading paper novels, writing diaries and other literary things
听音乐|listen to music
打游戏|play games
看电影电视剧|watch movies and TV shows
发呆,思考人生等着熄灯睡觉|In a daze, thinking about life, waiting to turn off the lights to sleep
无聊刷新电脑桌面|Refresh your computer desktop when you are bored
仅仅上网,这看看那看看|Just go online, look here and there
玩手机(聊天,抖音等等)|Play with mobile phones (chat, TIK TOK, etc.)
您是否认为睡前的行为会影响您的睡眠吗?Do you think your behavior before bed can affect your sleep?
您觉得什么影响了您的睡眠?What do you think is affecting your sleep?
睡眠很好,没有影响|sleep well, no impact
对手机电脑等的依赖|Dependence on mobile phones, computers, etc.
作业太多,科研压力大|Too much homework, great research pressure
拖延症,其实我不想晚睡的|Procrastination, actually I dont want to go to bed late
我就是喜欢晚睡觉,夜猫子也很好呀|I just like to go to bed late, its good to go to bed late
很多好玩的事情,并不想那么早睡|A lot of fun things, dont want to go to bed so early
我控制不了自己|I cant control myself
睡前行为|bedtime behavior
您认为睡眠会影响您的健康吗?Do you think sleep affects your health?
您的睡眠质量会影响您的学习吗?Does your sleep quality affect your studies?
您对您的睡眠质量满意吗?Are you satisfied with your sleep quality?
选项1 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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