Good health and well-being survey 关于视力的问卷调查

Thanks for having time for this survey, we will start now! 感谢您能抽出几分钟时间来参加本次答题,现在我们就马上开始吧!
What is your favorite electronic device? 你最喜欢的电子产品是什么?
Phone 手机
Laptop 电脑
Gaming device 游戏机
Television 电视
All of above 以上都是
What do you think will cause the most if you use too much electronic devices? 你觉得如果使用电子设备时间太多会造成什么最严重的后果?
Lost of relationships 丢失情感
Health problems 身体问题
Not paying attention 不专注
Distress of self 抑郁焦虑
Others 其他
Do you care if people around you using electronic devices every single seconds? 你会介意别人一直用电子设备吗?
Cares a lot 特别介意
Cares 介意
Nor cares and don’t care 既不介意也不介意
Don’t cares 不介意
Can’t imagine 不敢想象
If your family members use the electronics and has a really bad effects, what emotion will you feel? 如果你的家人使用电子产品然后有很大的不好的反应,你会有什么样的心情?
Exited 兴奋
Happy 开心
Normal 正常
Sad 难过
Angry 生气
Worried 担心
What is your gender? 你是什么性别?
Boy 男生
Girl 女生
What is your age?你的年龄?

6题 | 被引用0次
