Welcome to participate in this job satisfaction survey which is guaranteed to be confidential,so please feel free to tell us what you think.This questionnaire will take you about 2 minutes.Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Part1:Basic Background
Your gender?
Your age?
What's your education background?
Is Hangzhou your main work place at present?
What's your occupation?
How long have you worked in the company?
How much is your monthly salary?
Part2:Working Condition
Are you satisfied with your job in the following aspects?
What's your current average working hours per day?
How do you feel about your current working load?
How often are you feel stressed in work?
What's do you think the main source of current working pressure is?
Are you satisfied with your career development in the company?
When you finish the day's work and your colleagues choose to work overtime, will you choose to work overtime?
Have you ever chosen not to express your opinion at work because most people agree with others?
Part3:Company environment and atmosphere
Are you satisfied with company environment in the following aspects?
Are you satisfied with your team in the following aspects?
How strong is your sense of identity and belonging to the company?
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