香港大厦VIP意见函VIP opinion letter of Hong Kong Hotel营销(Sales Marketing)
尊敬的宾客: 您对香港大厦的产品和服务满意吗? 为了给您提供更加优质的服务,诚挚的邀请您对我们的产品和服务进行评价,提出您的宝贵意见,感谢您填写此问卷。我们将不断完善、持续改进酒店的管理水平和专业素养,祝您在香港大厦度过愉快的时光!谢谢! Dear guest, Are you satisfied with the product or service of Hong Kong Hotel? In order to provide you with better service, we sincerely invite you to evaluate our products and services,and put forward your valuable comments. Thank you for filling out this questionnaire!We will continue to improve the hotel' s management level and professional quality, provide customers with more perfect service and quality products.We wish you a pleasant stay in our Hong Kong Hotel. Thank you!