​​​​​​​WORKSHOP 4

​​​​​​​Navigating Europe’s Fintech regulatory landscape

​​​​​​​Which are the three financial centres with the largest cross-border financial flows?

a. ​​​​​​​New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo
​​​​​​​b. London, New York, Luxembourg
​​​​​​​c. London, Hong Kong, Singapore

​​​​​​​How far advanced are your plans concerning doing business in Europe?

​​​​​​​a. We have no idea how to tackle Europe
b. ​​​​​​​We have a vague idea what to do in Europe
​​​​​​​c. We have a solid business plan concerning Europe

​​​​​​​What should be the next topic you would like us to talk about?

​​​​​​​a. Open / Web banking
b. ​​​​​​​AI / Big Data
c. ​​​​​​​Crypto

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