
唐惠芬Nancy Tang

Trainee - Housekeeping

Nice painting, cool picture —— Veron Li

Good teamwork, creative picture. —— Glen Liu

画工了得,积极助人,有进取心。 —— Ting Song

该同事积极协助同事工作,为酒店VIP客人提供体验,为四季GM预抵房间制作画扇,提供了客人良好体验。在平时实习工作中,工作认真有责任心,积极进取。 —— Jessie Wang

窦静晖John Dou

Outlet Manager - Food & Beverage

Breakfast was really great, John Dou along with the chef at saffron were extremely helpful to cater our dietary needs, and support us to make a take out for our family. They are cooprative, smilling and helpful. Thank you to them and their staff. —— Guest Gopac

John was extremely helpful with our food requirements. He catered to each and every F&B needs. being vegetarian is a bit tough in China, but he made excellent breakfast and helped organize our dinner very well too. He was so helpful. —— Guest Sukhpreet

李秉法Bingfa Li

Technician Preventitive Maintenance-Engineering

李秉法师傅从7.31号到8.1号连续两天的时间都把我的办公室修整和刷漆,忍受难闻的白漆味道坚持在工作岗位上。—— Charlotte Zhu

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