公会SOP考试题目 Guild SOP exam

这是一次让你自己了解岗位操作流程的测试This is a test to let you know the post operation process
Your Name 
What are your job responsibilities你的岗位职责分别是什么
 What are the two components of your work indicators and what percentage are they?  你的工作指标有哪两部分组成,分别占多少百分比 
Write down the work content of your whole day and when you need to finish it 。写出你一整天的工作内容,分别需要在什么时间完成
What is the second step in your post process and what are the acceptance conditions。在你的岗位流程中第2个步骤是什么,验收的条件是什么
What is the third step in your post process and What is the operation description?在你的岗位流程中第3个步骤是什么,操作描述是什么?
If you are admin, please write the work completion index in step 4. If you are BD, please write down the work completion index of step 1。如果你是admin,请写出步骤4的工作完成指标。如果你是BD,请写出步骤1的工作完成指标

7题 | 被引用0次
