What is the boy feeling when he entered senior high?
Does he think it has differences from his junior high life?
Which is he most interested in?
Do you think the author enjoy a happy day in school?
The boy described his ______teacher most.
Ms Shen uses_________(method) to teach.
How many classmates the author has?
In the class,there are ______girls and _____boys.
Ms shen helps them improve ________and ______.
What do they do in first day?
Why does not the boy feel Ms shen's class is boring?
The boy think his teachers are all _____.
The boy think the classroom is _______.
The boy think English class is ______.
The boy's teacher in junior high thinks ______is importang.
Many people say girls are usually more _____ than boys.
Do you think that work at Senior High school is harder than at Junior High school?(请写至少100词描述你的感受)