The Gains from Trade associated with the principle of Comparative Advantage depends on
A. the trade partners must differ in technology or tastes
B. there can be no more goods traded than the number of trade partners
C. there may be no more trade partners than goods traded
D. All of the above
The Rybczynski theorem postulates that doubling L at constant relative commodity prices:
A. doubles the output of the L-intensive commodity
B. reduces the output of the K-intensive commodity
C. increases the output of both commodities
D. any of the above
Doubling L is likely to:
A. increases the relative price of the L-intensive commodity
B. reduces the relative price of the K-intensive commodity
C. reduces the relative price of the L-intensive commodity
D. any of the above
Technical progress that increases the productivity of L proportionately more than the productivity of K is called:
A. capital saving
B. labor saving
C. neutral
D. any of the above
If, at unchanged terms of trade, a nation wants to trade more after growth, then the nations terms of trade can be expected to:
A. deteriorate
B. improve
C. remain unchanged
D. any of the above
If two countries with diminishing returns and different marginal rates of substitution between two products were to engage in trade, then
A. the shapes of their respective production possibility frontiers would change
B. the marginal rates of substitution of both would become equal
C. the larger of the two countries would dominate their trade
D. the country with relatively elastic supplies would export more
Technical progress in the nations export commodity:
A. may reduce the nations welfare
B. will reduce the nations welfare
C. will increase the nations welfare
D. leaves the nations welfare unchanged
要素禀赋学说认为产生国际贸易的直接原因是( ) 要素禀赋学说认为
A. 劳动生产率的国际差异
B. 价格的国际差异
C. 自然资源的国际差异
D. 资本生产率的国际差异
A. 劳动密集型产业
B. 资本密集型产业
C. 技术密集型产业
D. 资本密集型产业和技术密集型产业
A. 纺织品
B. 家用电器
C. 加工贸易
D. 飞机制造
A. 发展中国家要赶超发达国家,必须在一开始就要倾斜发展高科技产业
B. 中国是一个大国,不能优先发展劳动密集型产业
C. 优先发展劳动密集型产业不符合知识经济的时代要求
D. 优先发展劳动密集型产业不符合经济增长方式向集约型转变的要求
A. Heckscher—Ohlintheorem.
B. Stolper—Samuelsontheorem.
C. Rybczynskitheorem.
D. Factor-priceEqualizationtheorem.
A. 进口替代。
B. 资本密集型产品和其他贸易商品均衡增长。
C. 出口扩张。
D. 以上三者都不对。
“Immiserizing growth”的一个必要条件为:
A. 国家的增长偏向于出口产业。
B. 外国对该国的出口需求具有价格弹性。
C. 国家的消费偏好高度偏向于出口商品。
D. 贸易在国民经济中比重不大。