对外经济贸易大学国际学院留学生面临的问题问卷 / Questionnaire for International students at the University of International Business and Economics.

您好! 感谢您参加本次问卷调查。为了了解国际学生在我们学校面临的问题, 营造良好的学习氛围, 促进师生的良好沟通交流, 我们开展了此项问卷调查, 希望能得到您的支持。您在本次调查中所提供的信息仅作为统计分析使用,对您的信息严格保密,不会给您带来任何不利影响,请根据自己的实际情况认真填写。

Dear Students,
Hello! Thank you for participating in this survey. In order to understand the problems faced by international students in our school, create a good learning atmosphere, and promote good communication between teachers and students, we have conducted this questionnaire survey, hoping to get your support. The information you provide in this survey is only used as statistical analysis, your information is strictly confidential, will not bring you any adverse effects, please fill in carefully according to your actual situation.

您的性别 / Your Gender:
男 / Male
女 / Female
您的国际 / Your Nationality
您的年龄是多少? / Your age
18 岁以下 / Under 18
18-25岁 / 18-25
25岁及以上 / 25 or Above
你在中国学习多久了? / How long have you been studying in China
一年以下 / Under 1 year
2年-3年 / 2-3 Years
4年以上 4 or more years
你的中文有多流利? / How fluent is your chinese
非常流利 Very fluent
一般 General
不好 Not good
你觉得用中文交流有问题吗?/ Do you find it problematic to communicate with Chinese
是 Yes
不是 No
有时候 Sometimes
你和你的老师们沟通吗?/ Do you communicate with your teachers
是的 Yes
不是 No
有时候 Sometimes
你喜欢中国菜吗 ? / Do you like Chinese food
喜欢 Like
一般 General
不喜欢 Dislike
你觉得与其他人交往很容易吗?/ Do you find it easy to socialize with other people
是 Yes
不是 No
出国留学的哪一部分让你觉得有困难?(多项选择) / What part of studying abroad is difficult? (Multiple Choice)
用中文学习 Learning in Chinese language
食物 Food
沟通 Communication
结交朋友 Make friends
使用某些中文应用 Using certain Chinese Apps
其它 Others:
你认为出国留学很难吗? / Do you think studying abroad is hard
是的 Yes
一般 General
不是 No
在1到5的等级(从不快乐到非常快乐)的等级上,你会如何评价你出国留学的幸福感 / On a scale of 1 to 5 (from not happy to very happy), how would you rate your happiness studying abroad :
你会向您所在国家的学生推荐出国留学吗?/ Would you recommend studying abroad to students in your country?
是 Yes
可能 Possibly
不是 No
您认为国际学生应该做些什么来克服他们面临的困难?(请随意作答)/ What do you think international students should do to overcome the difficulties they face? (Please feel free to give your opinion)

14题 | 被引用0次
