Jayne Eyre - by Charlotte Bronte

The orphan daughter Jane Eyre, whose parents died when she was young, was placed in foster care at her aunt's house and abused. Later, she was sent to Lowood school by her aunt. Lowood school was in a bad environment, but she survived tenaciously. Two years after graduation, Jane applied to be a tutor for a living. Met Rochester and gradually developed feelings for him. When they were married in church, Jane was painfully aware that Rochester had a crazy wife. Jane left sadly. Later, her uncle John AI, who had been separated from her for many years, died of illness and bequeathed her a huge amount of property. Finally Jane Eyre married Rochester. The desire for freedom and happiness in the world and the pursuit of a higher spiritual realm. The theme of this novel is to successfully create a female image who is not content with the status quo, unwilling to be humiliated and dare to fight through the bumpy life experience of an orphan girl, reflecting the call sign and blame of an ordinary heart, and the desire of a small person to become a capital person.
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