名字(可匿名,想填可以填)Name(could be blank, if you wanted to, type it in)
你能否自由使用手机?Could you use your phone freely without a limit?
每天会用多久的手机?How long would you use your phone each day?
3小时左右 around 3 hours
5小时左右 around 5 hours
7小时及以上 7 hours and above
其他,请说明 Other:
每天用手机做什么?(至少三点)What do you use your phone for?(at least three points)
会不会放不下手机,如果会,为什么?Would you sometimes couldn't get your eyes from the phone, if so, Why?
你觉得学校应该让学生在学校使用电子产品吗?如果是,说说你的理由(电脑,手机等电子设备)Do you think out school should let us use computers? If so, say your reasons.
你觉得没有电子设备你能更加专注学习吗?(说明原因)Do you think you could be more focused to study if without electronic devices?(say your reason)
有电子设备会帮助你学习吗?(说明原因)Does having a electronic device to use help you with studying?(say why)
下面是一个poll投票的部分,你觉得学校是否应该让学生在校使用电脑 Here is a poll for whether you think the school should let students use their computers in school: