如果是特别版本(如Live版、改编版)请说明,否则默认为原版 / Please specify if its a special version (e.g. Live version, adapted version), otherwise the default is the original version. ____________
初赛备选曲目 / Alternative song
歌曲名字 / Name of the song ____________
歌手名字 / Name of the singer ____________
如果是特别版本(如Live版、改编版)请说明,否则默认为原版 / Please specify if its a special version (e.g. Live version, adapted version), otherwise the default is the original version. ____________
其他情况说明 / Other information
若初赛伴奏带为选手个人剪辑版,请直接上传 / If the accompanying music was edited by yourself, please upload.