您的性别/What is your gender?
您属于以下哪类年龄段/What is your age range?
18岁以下/Under 18
27岁以上/Over 27
您的教育背景是?/What is your educational background?
您所在的地区/What is your location?
海外中国留学生/Chinese students abroad
其他国籍/Other nationalities
您日常对于美妆品牌产品的关注度/How much do you care about beauty brand products?
强烈关注/Strongly concerned
稍微关注/Slightly concerned
不太关注/Not really concerned
完全不关注/Not at all concerned
您在美妆品牌领域消费的频率?/How often do you spend in the beauty brand segment?
非常频繁/Strongly frequent
稍微频繁/Slightly frequent
不太频繁/Not too frequent
几乎没有/Hardly ever
您平时通过以下哪些渠道获取美妆品牌产品资讯/Which of the following channels do you usually use to get information about beauty brand products?
纸媒(杂志、报纸等)/Paper media (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
抖音/Douyin or Tik Tok
微信公众号、朋友圈资讯/WeChat account/Moments
品牌官网/Brand official website
以下哪些美妆品牌公关策略和战术是您所熟悉或有印象的?/Which of the following beauty brand PR strategies and tactics are you familiar with or impressed by?
遵循企业社会责任(环保、坚持可持续化策略)Compliance with corporate social responsibility (environmental protection, adherence to sustainable strategies)
原生广告营销形式(不打断用户阅读感)/Native advertising marketing formats
与社交媒体网红合作宣传/Promotion with social media influencers
更新和发展品牌官方讯息/Update and develop official brand journalism
精美独特的产品包装Beautiful and unique packaging
满意的危机公关程序/Satisfactory crisis communication procedures
您认为品牌使用的公关策略和战术会多大程度影响您对于美妆产品本身的选择和态度?/What extent do you think the PR strategies and tactics used by brands influence your choice and attitude of beauty products themselves?
强烈影响/Strong influence
稍微影响/Slight influence
不太影响/Not much influence
完全不影响/No influence at all
你认为美妆品牌使用的公关策略和战术会多大程度影响品牌声誉?/ To what extent do you think the PR strategies and tactics used by beauty brands affect brand reputation
您认为品牌使用以下哪种公关策略和战术会使您提高对该品牌的购买意愿?Which of the following PR strategies and tactics do you think the brand uses would make you more likely to buy from the brand?
遵循企业社会责任(环保、坚持可持续化策略)Compliance with corporate social responsibility (environmental protection, adherence to sustainable strategies)
原生广告营销形式(不打断用户阅读感)/Native advertising marketing formats
与社交媒体网红合作宣传/Promotion with social media influencers
更新和发展品牌官方讯息/Update and develop official brand journalism
精美独特的产品包装Beautiful and unique packaging
满意的危机公关程序/Satisfactory crisis communication procedures
您认为美妆品牌使用正确和品牌本身相匹配的公关策略和战术对于品牌发展的重要性?/How important do you think it is for beauty brands to use the right PR strategies and tactics that match the brand itself?
如果美妆品牌在营销推广中使用不恰当的公关策略和战术,您是否会对该品牌本身产生消极态度? 或者只在意产品本身/If a beauty brand uses inappropriate PR strategies and tactics in its marketing and promotion, do you have a negative attitude towards the brand or care about the product itself?
强烈影响/Strong influence
稍微影响/Slight influence
不太影响/Not much influence
完全不影响/No influence at all
您认为社交媒体平台对于美妆品牌使用的公关策略和战术的影响重要吗?/Do you think it is important for social media platforms to influence the PR strategies and tactics used by beauty brands?
您认为还有哪些该问卷调查中没有提到的其他公关策略和战术(仅针对美妆品牌)?/ What other PR strategies and tactics do you think were not mentioned in this questionnaire (for beauty brands only)